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Monday, March 13, 2017

The Awkward Reintroduction

I've been wanting to blog for awhile now, but I just didn't know how to go about it or what to say.
It's like seeing a friend you haven't talked to in months, maybe even years, and it's just awkward.
So let's skip the awkwardness and just hug.

Now that we have that out of the way---hold on, I need tunes. Okay that's better.

I want to change my blog or figure out my 'brand' or just what the hell I want to blog about.

While sitting on the ferry to go to work I have a notebook and it has lists and lists of blog names, youtube channel names, ideas for posts/videos etc
Yet I still can't figure it out.

I love to write.
I love to film and edit.
But I just find myself doing other useless things with my time, like laundry. . .
Okay but actually I procrastinate and watching youtube or Netflix for hours at a time.

I'd love to have a game plan, I like to plan but I never follow through (refer to the notebooks full of lists)
I dream and plan how blogging or doing youtube would go for me and it all sounds nice but it doesn't happen.

I am now in my late twenties, at a nine to five (okay, it's technically to four) job  and I like it, but it is not what I want to be doing.  It's paying my bills and letting me meet amazing people, but my passion just isn't there.

I tried vlogging over Christmas and loved it, but found that it's hard to capture an audience when it's just two of us and we don't do anything exciting.

I love beauty, skincare and fashion (fun fact: I  used to want to be a fashion designer and started sewing at 9 years old), but I don't know anything about these subjects except that I know what I like.

For now this is it, and if anyone enjoys reading it that's great and if not well at least I still get to write and take pictures.
