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Monday, April 30, 2018

Face Mask Review (Part One)

I'm sure the beauty community has heard about Glow Recipe by now, I think I'm late to the game.  They're famous for their Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask (which I can not go without) and now their Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer as well.

I place an order almost two months ago to try out a few sheet and rubber masks, also this life changing watermelon sleeping mask.

Well, I fell in love.
In the past, believing my skin to be oily, I've used mostly clay masks so this whole hydrating mask thing is new to me.

So this most recent purchase I bought one rubber mask, the watermelon mask and so many sheet masks.
I have yet to make it through all these masks but I figured I would do reviews along the way.  The best way for me to keep track of what they do is to write on the packaging as a reminder, so here we go!

I use this mask after I cleanse my face in the evening and before I put anything else on my face.
It can tend to settle a bit, so just give it a quick stir until it becomes a jelly again.  I use about a dime size amount for my entire face and I have been using this just about every night unless I use another treatment or face mask that evening.
The next morning my skin always looks more clear and glow-y.

(shown on the left in white packaging)
I really enjoyed this mask!  So at the bottom there is a little packet (mine is ripped off because I've used it) that contains Jeju Camellia oil and you apply that to your face first then part two the sheet mask.  I did find it pretty brightening, almost a whitening effect and the number on thing? I didn't break out.

I'm so frustrated about this mask because I do like it but my skin has some issues with it.
First off, it's a cream sheet mask, so it is quite thick which I really liked.  It felt so hydrating and when I took it off I could feel a slight firming effect.
The next morning I woke up with three new zits in different areas of my face, not happy.
I have a second one of these masks, so I will try it again and will let you know in my part two review if the same thing happened.

I've tried this mask before, and I've ordered it again which is why this one is unopened.  I've only tried a few things but I am so in love with this brand (try the micro tension cream!).  
One of my favorite things about this mask is that it has ear loops to hold it on to your face and it just fits perfectly.  Plus this one really makes you look like a serial killer, I actually scared my boyfriend while wearing this one.  
I could really feel the firming effects around my eyes and mouth after I removed this and maybe it's a placebo effect but it looks like my mouth wrinkle is less noticeable after this mask.

This mask was weird.
Did I like it? Yes
It's a gel like it states, but for some reason I was not expecting that, so you have to be quite careful applying it as I ended up tearing with my nails a few times.
The smell was okay, not the best though.
You're supposed to wear it for twenty minutes, but I found it so hard as it was sliding all over my face.  But I did find it very hydrating and my skin looked, clarified? I think that's the word I want.
Just a heads up that the packaging looks like it has changed from what I have pictured

 Another mask from Polatam, so I was a bit nervous after breaking out from the firming one by them.
I love this mask
I had no breakouts, it was insanely moisturizing and I love the smell!!  I don't know what the smell actually is but it contains Oak tree sap so I imagine it's that but it reminds of my using my Mom's aloe plant when I was a kid.
I am so happy I purchased two of these.

This was so cool.
This is actually a cleanser, it comes with a sponge already soaked in solution containing Vitamin C and AHAs.
You squish it and out comes the cleanser all nice and bubbly.
I found it did a great job at cleansing and exfoliating, but I would definitely apply a moisturizer right after so you don't dry out your skin.
On the website it says you can use this up to three times per week, but I was unsure if it was the same sponge or if you'd have to buy a bunch of them.  They do make one for the body too which I really want to try!

I still have seven new masks to try out before I post another review and I'll also update you on any duplicates I have if there is a different reaction.

Have you tried anything from Glow Recipe? 
Let me know in the comments!

[I ended up playing with the font after I published this and now it's super tiny. I am in the process of fixing it.]

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Giving Up Alcohol (Week One)

I think I'm going to give up drinking.

I've said this before.

I've done it before.
From age nineteen to almost twenty two, I didn't drink.  It was my thing.

Lately whenever I drink I become the crying girl, the sloppy drunk girl. . .I get stupid.
Mostly it's due to anxiety (leads to drinking more) and social situations (I'm very anti-social).

I love my co-workers, but I feel like when they're a bunch of women, don't get belligerently drunk with them. 
I used to work with a bunch of guys and we would always get drunk together, for some reason it was different.  I never felt like they would gossip about me behind my back, I felt safe.
I don't feel safe right now.
I confessed a lot of things to someone, who I trust completely, but it still has me on edge.

My heart is pounding, I'm cursing my drunk self, I couldn't sleep last night, my chest is unbelievably tight.

Who else did I talk to?  What did I say?  Did I speak too loudly?  How many embarrassing things did I do besides spill my drink?

I was a mess.
My friend told me I was drunk and she found me crying, which I knew, but she didn't say much else so I hope I wasn't too out of hand. 

Therefore, no more drinking. . .for now.
I love my wine, but we'll exchange it for tea or sparkling water after a hard day.

I look forward to being more hydrated, more energetic, less depressed, less redness in my face, less breakouts, losing the extra weight from the empty calories, you know basically everything that comes with alcohol.

I'll keep you updated on my journey and we'll call Sunday April 15th the first day.
Here we go!

Update: April 21st
I was anxious every day this week except for Friday night/Saturday.  I had very poor, broken sleep every night.
But here we are one week with no alcohol.
Currently, my skin is breaking out a bit and I my energy level has been quite low after the work day (probably due to poor sleep), but I know the benefits will be much greater.
It's Saturday night and I wanted wine so badly, just because it's the weekend, but I made myself busy at home and later went out for coffee instead.
Onto week two!