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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Another Year Older, Another Year Closer to Being Thirty

Hello All!
I recently had a birthday and thought I would do a little reflection post on the past year.

I've accomplished a fair bit in this past year and I must say that I am proud of myself.
I graduated college with a certificate for a Medical Lab Assistant.
I started my career and have almost been there for a year!
My boyfriend and I finally found a place to call our own and enjoying loving/hating being "real adults" now.

I now have a sister-in-law and found out a month ago that I am going to be an Aunt this year!

I don't think much else happened in this past year, but it's been a pretty great one and I hope this one is just a great!

As for my birthday this year?
Boyfriend made pancakes and we had his parents over in the morning for a little celebration. We then headed to The City for some exploring and shopping.  When we got home I finished icing my cake and then went for dinner with my parents.  In the evening we had everyone over for cake and I finished off the night with a bubble bath!
Pretty awesome way to spend your birthday if you ask me.

Have you recently had a birthday or have one coming up soon?

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