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Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Here and Now

The last time I posted was November, my dude still wasn't home.
He showed up a month later, right before Christmas.  I love Christmas and his Mom loves Christmas, so, it was a big deal.
Right after he got home, like a day or two later, there was a huge wind storm.  It knocked the power out at my work, which never happens, ferries got cancelled. It was rough.
Then a week later, another wind storm.  Worse.
It knocked the power out at work again, for two days.
The power at my house was out for 5 days, it came on on Christmas Eve.  Luckily we had a place to stay and had a blast.  Definitely a memorable Christmas.

Now we're in May.
My dude is going to be leaving next week, he'll be gone for 3 weeks and home for one which is better than being gone for almost 3 months straight but it still sucks. 
I'm having a hard time with it.
I know I'm going to bawl next Monday and drink a few glasses of wine.

What else is new?
-I have a nephew coming at the end of August.
-My period is well out of whack for some reason.
-I've been to a wedding (not my own) and now feel like I should really plan ours, not that it'll be big but I have already bought shoes.  He always says "Hello Love" to me so I couldn't help myself.

Expect more posts in the future as I am not going to have much to do with my time.

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