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Monday, September 14, 2020

My Curly Hair Routine

 Well, here I am, alone for the next month (at least).

Every time I think about that I think what happens if we move away?  It'll be much harder when he's gone, I'll have no family around.  I'll have dogs which will help but what will I do?  I've considered starting up the ol' youtube again, but I am so boring.  

[Man, it is so smoky here.  I look outside and I get excited because it's drizzly and looks foggy, but it's just smoke from the fires.  It makes my heart break, the fact that we're getting smoke from the fires in The States, just what the people there are going through.  It's sad.]

With all this quarantine/isolation/Covid stuff, I know people have tried out different things, like making sourdough from scratch for example (my husband did this and then we had a sourdough bake off).  Why did people do this by the way? I mean it was delicious but how did it all start? My husband started his way before Covid rules got strict and then all of a sudden it was a thing. 

My thing was my curly hair journey.  Thanks to the curly girl subreddit, I have learned a lot. I still struggle some days and I definitely have better curl days than others, everyday is different.  I don't follow the rules to a T, I tried a bit at the start but it wasn't doing anything for me.  I've tried different types of gel, a mousse gel, three different curl creams, but usually the same conditioner/shampoo.  I've tried diffusing. air drying, plopping and a combo of all three!

What works for me?  

Depends on A)how much time I have

B)How patient I am

C)Do I want curls? beach-y waves? or fluff?

                                                            My different types of curls.

I don't know/don't care what my type is.  

I don't really understand the whole porosity thing.

For my reset wash I use Herbal Essences detox shampoo, I used to use this all the time 5 years ago, I love the smell, but it dried out my hair because (surprise surprise)it makes my hair too squeaky clean.  I do a reset wash every 2-3 weeks, depends on how gross my hair feels.

I wash my hair with shampoo probably 3-4 times a week, I either use L'oreal EverSleek Keratin shampoo or Healthy Sexy Hair shampoo.  The other couple times I use Tresemme Botanics Nourish? conditioner (as per the curly girl method).  Then I will condition with the same conditioner. At the start I used the L'oreal Eversleek Keratin conditioner, but that's too expensive to keep up with, considering how much conditioner I have to use.  I leave the conditioner on while I shave my under arms and legs (if I'm not lazy), then I detangle in the shower and only when wet.  I use a wet brush and I am in love with it.  Hands down, best brush I've ever purchased.  People in the reviews on Amazon say it's not a genuine wet brush and I'm not sure if it is, but I love it.  I squish to con-dish and this is where I get confused.  I have my head upside down (detangling) and I'm squishing, forming clumps but then how do you style it?  Sometimes I style upside and dry like that (if I'm diffusing) and other times I style it soaking wet and hope for the best or plop with my deep conditioner in and then style it after it dries for a bit.  

Confusing, I know.

And then proteins..........ughh.  I feel like it does nothing for my hair.  Once upon a time years ago I tried rice water.  I loved it, my hair was sleek and shiny.  Recently I've tried a Shea Moisture protein hair mask.  Eh, I don't notice any difference when I use this.

Here at the other products I like to use:

-AG Hair moisture Fast Food leave in conditioner [I love this so much, I purchased the jumbo one before finishing the normal sized one.]

-AG Curl Re:Coil Activator.  I like this one, but I'm not sure if I'll purchase again (I have another one I like better).  It's light weight and definitely helps the curl formation but I don't think I like the curls as much.

-For gel, I've been liking the Aveda Confixor Liquid gel. It's super light weight and has great hold for my fine hair, but the smell (blech). It reminds me of lavender and that is my least favourite smell.

Next up is my winning combo with the leave-in conditioner:

-AG Beach Bomb Tousled Texture.  I LOVE me some beach-y hair.  My hair looks best after a day at the ocean and this gives a similar look but feels healthier.  It's a thicker, sticky-ish cream.  I want this in a jumbo size!  I can just put this in, with no gel/mousse and my hair will still look decent.  

-AG Hair Mousse Gel Extra-Firm Curl Retention. First off, the name is weird but accurate. It comes out like a mousse and then if you rub it together it becomes stickier like a gel.  I freaking love this stuff!!  My hair is very fine and can easily get weighed down, so this is so much better than a gel for me.  I tried adding it directly to my roots yesterday, wholly big hair! It was amazing.

                           My favourite combo: leave-in, beach babe cream, mousse-gel, air dried
          Again the favourite combo,  but mousse-gel applied to the roots and then diffused (just the roots)

 The last thing I invested in was a continuous spray bottle, this is super helpful on refresh days or just to add more moisture when styling on wash days.

If you've been trying a curly routine let me know what it is in the comments, I love learning more or trying new techniques!

P.S. Use a t-shirt or micro-fibre towel to plop.  I used both and then ended up buying this and it's the easiest way for me to plop, super comfy and holds great.  Once upon a time I invested in a high end micro-fibre hair towel, don't do it, it's not worth it.  I prefer the one I linked much more.


Friday, September 11, 2020

Being a klutz and other things...

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This is the only Fall picture I have for this year so far, seeing as the sky is full of smoke and the temperature is five degrees higher than average.  I hope for better in a couple weeks.

You guys, I love September, but it's also the hardest time of year for me.  My husband always goes away for work this time of year, usually long periods of time too.  He leaves in less than two days for a month, probably longer.  I'm used to it, but I still get sad.  I worry that it'll be the last time I see him, I worry for those lonely nights when I get stuck in my head, I worry that I'll get a phone call that somethings gone wrong.  Just so many worries.

Thanks Anxiety.

I've always been like this.

I've been on vacation this week, which is funny because he is never home during my September vacation and this year he is.  I've taken this week off now for four years? and he's usually working.  It's been a tough week to be honest.  We have so much to think about and just watching the housing market go up is very depressing for us.  Depressing isn't quite the word I wanted, but here we are.  I can read it all over him, how upset he is about this.  I don't show it as much, I prefer inner turmoil.

In other news, I've been reading 'Midnight Sun'.  I'm sorry, 'Twilight' is super cheesy but I love it.  I am devouring this book, even though Edward takes freaking forever to get through things.  I think I'm preferring his side of things even though I am so much like Bella, clumsiness and all.  Watching Bella through Edward's eyes, I'm just wow...I bet that's how I look, like an idiot, the way she stumbles through life.  Right now I have three bruises on my right leg, no idea how I got them but yet they're huge.  Then a couple weeks ago I went grocery shopping with Dad, I went to get frozen fruit and told him I'd meet him in the junk food aisle.  I grabbed one bag of frozen fruit, one.  CRASH! A bunch tumbled to the floor.  I looked around me, embarrassed, picked them up off the floor and put them back on the shelf.

"Did you hear a big crash?" I asked when I met back up with him.

"No," he looked at me confused.

"Okay good, I just took out part of the frozen fruit section."

This is my life.  If someone is going to hold up the line at the cash register, it will be me but only when I am alone, of course.

Not sure where I was going with this...

What are you reading?  Have you read 'Midnight Sun'? Let me know what you think! My old blog used to be somewhat dedicated to 'Twilight'.  I was such a 'Twilight' nerd, ask me about it one day.