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Friday, September 11, 2020

Being a klutz and other things...

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This is the only Fall picture I have for this year so far, seeing as the sky is full of smoke and the temperature is five degrees higher than average.  I hope for better in a couple weeks.

You guys, I love September, but it's also the hardest time of year for me.  My husband always goes away for work this time of year, usually long periods of time too.  He leaves in less than two days for a month, probably longer.  I'm used to it, but I still get sad.  I worry that it'll be the last time I see him, I worry for those lonely nights when I get stuck in my head, I worry that I'll get a phone call that somethings gone wrong.  Just so many worries.

Thanks Anxiety.

I've always been like this.

I've been on vacation this week, which is funny because he is never home during my September vacation and this year he is.  I've taken this week off now for four years? and he's usually working.  It's been a tough week to be honest.  We have so much to think about and just watching the housing market go up is very depressing for us.  Depressing isn't quite the word I wanted, but here we are.  I can read it all over him, how upset he is about this.  I don't show it as much, I prefer inner turmoil.

In other news, I've been reading 'Midnight Sun'.  I'm sorry, 'Twilight' is super cheesy but I love it.  I am devouring this book, even though Edward takes freaking forever to get through things.  I think I'm preferring his side of things even though I am so much like Bella, clumsiness and all.  Watching Bella through Edward's eyes, I'm just wow...I bet that's how I look, like an idiot, the way she stumbles through life.  Right now I have three bruises on my right leg, no idea how I got them but yet they're huge.  Then a couple weeks ago I went grocery shopping with Dad, I went to get frozen fruit and told him I'd meet him in the junk food aisle.  I grabbed one bag of frozen fruit, one.  CRASH! A bunch tumbled to the floor.  I looked around me, embarrassed, picked them up off the floor and put them back on the shelf.

"Did you hear a big crash?" I asked when I met back up with him.

"No," he looked at me confused.

"Okay good, I just took out part of the frozen fruit section."

This is my life.  If someone is going to hold up the line at the cash register, it will be me but only when I am alone, of course.

Not sure where I was going with this...

What are you reading?  Have you read 'Midnight Sun'? Let me know what you think! My old blog used to be somewhat dedicated to 'Twilight'.  I was such a 'Twilight' nerd, ask me about it one day.










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