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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Well, I tried.

 I am having a tough time.

It is my favorite month, my favorite time of year and it always goes the same.  Husband is gone for work.

I love alone time, but some days are harder than others.  It's probably because I'm hormonal but this weekend was hard.  I cried so much Saturday night and stayed up until 2am, that my eyes were swollen in the morning.  It was bad.  It was self induced, but sometimes you just need to cry.

I told myself that when he is gone I was going to eat healthy and exercise.  I exercised for one day and then the yoga mat lived in the living room for a week.  I've eaten two medium pizzas in three days, had tater tots and french fries, bought chocolate bars (I never buy chocolate bars), gone through three boxes of wine and left vegetables rotting in the fridge.  

I suck.

The End

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