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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Christmas Tag

It's December!
Can you believe it?

I started my advent calendar a day late because I didn't realize it was December.
Time goes by way to fast. . .

How is your Christmas shopping going? or are you a last minute shopper?
I am about 85% done and have been for awhile (so proud of myself).

I have some Christmas posts planned but I am honestly waiting for my Black Friday purchase to arrive. I splurged and bought a new laptop, it's going to be my blogging/picture/video laptop...or so I say so far.

So stay tuned for hopefully an endless supply of content coming up!

This is just going to be a quick Christmas list today, enjoy!

Favorite Christmas Song: "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"-Michael Buble
Favorite Christmas Movie: (this is tough as I love so many) "12 Date of Christmas" or "The Family Stone" and of course the classics like "Elf" and "Home Alone" oh and "The Santa Clause"!
Who is the easiest to buy for? My boyfriend or Sister-in-Law
Favorite Christmas Treat: Any kind of pie or sugar cookies
Favorite Christmas Dinner Food: Stuffing or mashed potatoes
Fake or real tree? Real
When do you get/put up your tree? I think we buy our tree during the second week of December, but it'll be my first year getting my own tree
Favorite Christmas Event: One town over there is the most spectacular light up, parade and fireworks and I've gone every year since I was a baby
Which TV special do you look forward to the most? Charlie Brown
Favorite Candle: I love the winter scent by Bath & Body Works but I've really been enjoying wood wick candles as they sound like you have a fire going & I don't have a fireplace so it's perfect.
Any Christmas traditions? Well, we used to drive around and look at Christmas lights with my family until I was about 21/22. Now it's Christmas Eve at Boyfriend's parents & Christmas Day at my parent's house. And my own little tradition is that I like to watch all the Christmas episodes of Full House and I start re-watching all the seasons of The O.C.

Feel free to copy and repost with your answers! I loved to read them.

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