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Monday, March 7, 2016

My Birthday Weekend!

We spent my birthday weekend, actually just Saturday, in The City!
We got up at five thirty, yes in the morning, showered, had coffee and breakfast, got all dolled up and then headed to the float plane.
Typically we'd take the ferry to The City, but we got a deal on the float plane and it only takes 20 minutes versus and hour and a half. Plus I had never been on the float plane and Nathan was dying to go.
It was so much fun, definitely a highlight from the weekend.

When we arrived we walked a few blocks and sat at a Starbucks playing scrabble for an hour.
All the shops opened up at ten. So we wandered, looking at what stores I'd want to go into.
I had planned out all the clothes I wanted but when it came to it, I couldn't cough up the fifty dollars they wanted...per t-shirt. Ridiculous (I say this now, just you wait...)
First shop we went to was the Disney store (of course).  There were sales, so I bought a Minnie Mouse purse and Nathan got me a t-rex lunch kit from the movie "The Good Dinosaur". One day I'll have to explain this t-rex obsession.

We did hit up Victoria's Secret because I had a $15 off coupon (how could I resist?) plus Nathan gave me money to spend specifically at Victoria's Secret.
After hitting up Urban Outfitters and realizing how overpriced a plain tank top was we went to Japadog (picture above, except I kind of devoured it before realizing I didn't take a picture)

Japadog, a Japanese hot dog. I went for the beef hot dog with Japanese mayonnaise, the most delicious teriyaki sauce and seaweed. Oh my god, I can't wait until we go back in three weeks!

After lunch we headed over to Granville Island.
Except I lead us the wrong direction and we had to walk across The City (about 25 minutes).
It sounded like a great idea: go shopping at the market, get some fresh produce, sit in the brewery and get a little bit tipsy.
We hated it. It was far too busy.  We're talking shoulder to shoulder busy. I've done Comic-Con and that was busy but this was just rude busy.  No one cared, people said rude things to you to get you to move.

We won't go back.  The brewery there is the Granville Island Brewery, which makes my favorite beer the Winter Ale and the wait was over thirty minutes.
By this time we were hungry and irritated and wanted to sit down and eat bad for you food and have some beers.
We spent a whole hour there and decided to take the ferry back to The City and walk across town (again).

We ended up at Red Robin, a classic.
They were so great there, as usual, we ordered some kind of spicy fries to begin with and I could not eat anymore than 4, they were burning my mouth.  We explained the situation and they happily brought us onion rings instead.  We enjoyed our onion rings and some beer, which I wish I could remember the name of because it was so good.
I highly recommend going to Red Robin in Vancouver, I have never had a bad experience at any location actually.

So, after we were a little bit buzzed from our beers. . .actually quite a bit buzzed we started exploring again.
I was in a giggly mood and apparently in a shopping black out:
"We sell it in a kit with a brush that's made in Germany", she said "You'll save five dollars" she said.
A hundred and fifty dollars later. . .
Nathan picked up a pair of shoes there and nearly passed out.
Later I had an anxiety attack on the ferry home.
But I must say, the brush feels luxurious and the product lives up to the hype.  I have never had a good experience with carving out my cheekbones until now.
I am addicted.

I didn't buy much else except for a pair of jeans.
So I will be waiting until those t-shirts I want go on sale online.

All in all it was a fun weekend and I'm glad we went on a shopping/people watching trip.
See you in a few weeks for the car show Vancouver!

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