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Monday, June 20, 2016

Health & Fitness Update (3)

Really? This is only my third update?
I'm not very committed am I?

I really thought I would do better with my husband to be gone away for work.
I have, what feels like, unlimited free time and I have worked out only a handful of times.

So we won't really get into a workout routine on the blog today.

Food wise, I'm doing pretty good.
I am drinking tons of water and feel less bloated then ever!  Bloating has always been a big problem with me (I kind of blame birth control pills for that one though) no matter how much water I drank it seemed to never go away.

People normally do a cleanse with cold pressed juices, but I like to have one as a snack or for lunch with some fruit/vegetables as I am not a big lunch person.

I'm trying to eat out way less which can be challenging some nights. 
Yesterday was Father's Day, so of course we took him out for lunch and then he wanted pizza for dinner.  So how I dealt with this was I ate lunch out and then at dinner one slice of pizza and then filled up on salad.

I love things like poutine, cheese, chocolate, pizza etc
But if I don't stock them in the house then there's no temptation to eat them.  Plus, if I really want them bad enough I have to challenge my anxiety to even leave the house, so you can tell I really am craving something if I go out to get it.

Lately my typical day looks like this:
Breakfast- Cereal with almond milk/oatmeal and a fruit smoothie
Break at work- 2 pieces of wasa bread with cheese, fruit
Snack when I get home from work- fruit/cold pressed juice
Dinner- Chicken salad or pasta or grilled cheese and veggies
Before bed snack- fruit covered in melted chocolate or popcorn

As you can see I don't eat a lot of meat, so when Nathan is home I eat quite a bit more as he's a better cook than I.

I hope to start adding more fitness into my life and keeping up with the healthy eating because I feel great lately.

Any motivation tips to get your body moving?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What Do You Want To Be?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don't care how old you are, what do you want to be?

I want to be happy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Bumpy Camping Trip

I told Nathan that he can't go to work until June.
So I planned us a camping trip from May 30th-June 1st, and being my luck he got called for a job for June 2nd.  So we had a partial camping trip and it was enjoyable for the most part, except for the bout of food poisoning he had. . .Enjoy these Tofino and Uclulet pictures!

 My crazy dude decided it was a good idea to jump into the freezing ocean.

 Nathan was up at 4am and headed down to the beach to try and catch a sunrise, this is what he ended up with.
 Coffee in class.

 Had to get a ring shot in there.
Besides the few mishaps I had a fun time camping with this guy!  We learned that you can boil an egg in a beer/pop can in the fire and that the more blankets the better (we learned that the hard way).

Let me know your camping tips in the comments below!