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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Year of Adventure

Do you ever have the yearning to do something more?
I've been having that feeling like crazy for weeks now.
I feel like I'm in the wrong career, maybe even living in the wrong place.
I want to explore, I haven't been to very many places and I would like to see much more.
There was a day this year where I decided this would be my year of being adventurous.
Being adventurous can mean different things to different people.  For me, it's mostly getting out of my shell, not coming home and sitting on the couch, going out on my days off and doing something.
I feel like I've been succeeding in this but at the same time I've hardly made it off of the rock I call home to see places I've never seen.

Here's the thing, I have a job I can't abandon because money and you need money to go on adventures.
Why do you get a new job somewhere else and go on adventures you ask?
I'd most likely be moving somewhere where I'd be doing the same thing because I have no other skills except for a year of acting classes and janitorial work behind me.

It feels good to get my thoughts out, my brain is a very busy and confused place.
If you have any advice for starting a new adventure or figuring out a new career please, please leave a comment below, thank you.

Monday, August 8, 2016

That Weekend We Did Whistler

So, we island folk recently headed to Whistler for the first time ever.
No it's not Winter, but neither of are into Winter sports anyways.

About five hundred plus dollars later and we have both decided Whistler is not for us.
But, we enjoyed the things we did in Whistler.

We originally traveled to Whistler for a concert, but more on that later.

Whistler in the Summer is good for mountain biking, site seeing and shopping.
Oh and Bachelorette parties, and I only say that because we witnessed about seven different ones going on.

We hit up the Brittania mines before doing anything in Whistler, and it was neat but I wouldn't go back.  Neat thing though, they were filming a movie there and upon doing my research I found that it stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Lily Collins!

After that we had a late lunch, people watched and then finally were able to check into our hotel.
So we relaxed for about an hour and a half, had a couple beers and then took the bus down to Whistler Village.
The concert wasn't set to start until seven thirty so we had an hour and a half to kill.  We decided to people watch some more and eat ice cream.
It was the most expensive single scoop I've ever had, but it was delicious.

Finally it was time for the show.
Are you dying to know which band we saw?
 The Strumbellas.
Nathan will tell you it was the best concert he's ever seen and he's been to a few.
I have been to a lot of concerts and I agree with him, it ranks pretty high up there with Florence & The Machine.
Their energy is amazing, and you can tell they just genuinely enjoy what they do, especially Dave (the guy in the hat).

We started off the day to a very rocky start, but I will spare you the details, and this band just made us forget every bad thing that happened.
I highly recommend seeing them in concert if you have the opportunity to.

We woke up early Sunday morning and enjoyed a very huge complimentary breakfast at our hotel.
After a pretty relaxing morning we headed to the gondolas.

 The pictures don't do it justice, but if you ever go to Whistler go on the Gondolas.

If you've ever been to Whistler let me know your thoughts below.