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Friday, August 28, 2020

Fall Fashion. . .etc

 So my taste is normally sweatshirts or t-shirts and a pair of jeans.

But honestly? I am a grunge loving girl.

I grew up in the 90s having been born in the late 80s, so grunge is nostalgic for me.

I recently bought a pair of dark grey, faded Levi's.  I used to have a 725 Originals pair that I loved. . .let's be honest, I still own them they just don't fit that great anymore seeing as they were super skinny.

I am tempted to dig my fake leather jacket out that I got in 2009.

This Fall I think I'm wearing more plaid than usual, layers of sweaters with my pleather jacket, maybe some combat boots if I can snag a pair I like.  My all time favorite boots retired. . .basically I puked on them back in 2011 and they were never the same and I never found a pair that I've like as much.

I would like to wear more dresses with tights this Autumn and hopefully can find boots to go with or it'll just be a pair of converse, the usual.

Also, I would like to aquire a Beetle juice t-shirt (I am strange & unusual) and The Craft one (We are the weirdos mister).

Fall Fashion 2020:




-Combat boots

-The Craft t-shirt

-Beetlejuice t-shirt (Fun fact, Beetlejuice came out in my birth month (March) in the year I was born (1988).

I have an Autumn playlist on Spotify but I am trying to determine 2020's Autumn theme song(s).  I'll let you know when I figure that out.

I think tomorrow will consist of grocery shopping (boring), red wine and a scary movie.  Husbo is away right now, so I won't be getting out much.

Maybe I'll bring back the photo shoots I used to do circa 2009 (on myroomredisred blog)

P.S. I am reading my old blog right now and I miss my friends on there!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

I'm Ready For Fall

 I love Autumn.  

Look back at previous posts or my tumblr and you'll realize this.

Yes, I still have a tumblr.

Hell, look at my wedding photos and you'll realize this.

Last weekend we had a thunder storm, they never happen where I live by the way, it was awesome.

Then it was rainy for a few days and I loved it.

I would come home from work and turn the fairy lights on right away and watch a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls to unwind with a glass of red wine (the perfect evening).

Yes, I know it's August.

I love Summer too, believe me I do, but sometime in mid-August it always gets to me...Fall is coming and I just can't wait.

We don't even have that great of Autumns here, not like other places, but I still love it.

So much that two of my 4 weeks of vacation happen during September and October this year.

I always take the first or second week of September off, usually the week after Labour Day and I decorate for Fall and make a bunch of meals to freeze. It's just cozy and relaxing to me.  Usually my husband is away working at this time so I get to play housewife which I enjoy as well.  Two weeks until my vacation starts, I think it's why I feel so cozy and autumnal right now.

I am dying to go to HomeSense to see if they have Autumn decor out, but honestly I have a hard time going there right now.  I wear a mask all day at work and I just find it hard to go somewhere and where a mask on my day off and after a day of work I don't really go anywhere.  My husband and I go get groceries once a week right now and they are just starting mandatory masks at most places now and I just find it hard. I know that sounds stupid. I wear one and other ppe for seven hours a day at work and it's a relief to take it all off at the end of the day and have two days where I don't have to wear it.  It fucking sucks to wear it.  People complain about wearing a mask into a store for say an hour or so, what about nurses who have to wear it for a ten/twelve hour shift?  I only wear it for seven hours, constantly talking to people, running around with 1-2 hour wait times and it's hard.  It's hot wearing a mask, gown and face shield, and overall just difficult to communicate with people.  Not to mention screening one to two hundred patients who yell at you for asking them if they've had cold or flu symptoms etc.

Okay, now I'm just ranting.

I need to stop.

I am ready for Fall but at the same time I am not.  Covid restrictions are most likely going to get worse going into cold and flu season and for that I am not ready.

Anyone else ready for the Fall feelings and decor?

Sunday, August 9, 2020

A Lot To Think About

 As per usual so much has happened since my last post (which was February, if you're curious).

First off Covid, that sure changed a lot.  But I am not even going to go into it much because we all hear about it enough.  I will tell you that I work in health care and all this has really made me not want to work with the public anymore.  It has strained some relationships with family and strengthened others.  It has also destroyed my clear skin I worked so hard for last year, so that's fun.

I just had my first week off of the year at the end of July, which is crazy as usually I take time in April but that wasn't happening.  My grandfather passed away right before Covid got bad, like I went there on the weekend to say goodbye, got home Sunday and Monday he passed and that day restrictions started (only 2 visitors at the place he was at) and then everything everywhere was different.

Some other things happened that aren't my business to tell.

We've lost a lot of staff at work so the stress level is huge.  I'm trying to have a different perspective though as work was consuming my life.

My husband got back from work up North a little while ago.  He always come back with stories of things he's seen and how different places are from here and how much more affordable houses are.

Which is why we're here, at a cross roads.  He is fine to live where ever, it is now my decision if we are going to move off our rock, where we've both been born and raised.  I would miss the ocean.

I'm sitting here watching Gilmore Girls, as it always helps, making pro/con lists (like Rory).

Basically it involves me leaving everything behind for a house, my family, my job (which doesn't bother me that much, just bothers me that I have seniority and vacation built up).

So far my list is Everything Vs A House (with a dog).

To give you an example of what it's like here, my mother-in-law went for a walk the other day and saw a nice house for us, she thought to herself that she could help us out and give us money for it (keep in mind we have a large down payment saved up). Well she looked up the house to see how much it was. . . over a million dollars for just a regular family home.

My husband is frustrated.  I've seen him frustrated lots of times, but this is like built up and I can see he's just boiling and doesn't know what to do.

I know my family would come visit me, but I would miss out on just going over there for a visit, or seeing my niece and nephew grow up, my youngest brother picking on me like I'm the youngest.  I wouldn't get time off to come visit on holidays.  These are things that I am thinking about.

I have always loved the idea of moving somewhere where no one knows you and starting new.  You can almost become a new person.  It'd be an adventure.

I feel at this point if we're going to buy a house and move that I don't want to live on the island unless it's the location we want.

I just don't know what to do.

I've got lots of thinking drives with my favourite tunes ahead of me.

Sorry, my most recent photos are from our wedding, you're probably sick of seeing them...which is another thing, I hope to get back into my photography hobby.