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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Dear Fourteen Year Old Me

Dear fourteen year old self,
I have many things to tell you.
First off I would normally suggest that you figure out what you want to do while you're still in high school but then you would be on a completely different path and you would miss out on many great people.
All those crushes in high school will mean nothing when you're older, so don't fret.  When you're fifteen you will date a boy for a little bit and there will be "friends" that back stab you. You're going to be really upset. It's going to really suck and you're going to be really depressed, but don't worry, this will make you a stronger person.
When you're eighteen you'll go to Disneyland for the second time, when you come back I would suggest going to the doctor and requesting blood tests so you don't get more upset when you start gaining weight and becoming more depressed due to a thyroid disease (once again, it will make you stronger though).
One big piece of advice: Eat healthy & work out, it makes you feel better!

You know how you always wanted a boy to look at you with longing and loving eyes? To brush the hair out of your face?  To wrap his arms around your waist and nuzzle in? To kiss you just because he felt like it? To accept your weird quirks?
You get all that.  It takes awhile and there's bump to get over before you get that but you get it.
You'll be the happiest you've ever been. You'll do new things and learn new things and it will be exciting. Two years in you won't be scared like you have been before. 

Now I have to go be a real adult and get ready for my real adult job.
(Yes you get a real adult job...eventually.)

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