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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fairy Tales and Fancy Cars

Another wonderful weekend is over.
How was yours?
Saturday, Boyfriend and I wandered around looking for a snorkel set for the river this summer. We each found one and are eyes are completely suctioned when we put them on, it's hilarious. I'll share a picture once we get to use them.  We had coffee at our favorite place where they now recognize us and up size our drinks for free.  Yes, we go there that often.
In the evening I went and saw "Maleficent" with my parents, which I absolutely loved. I love my fairy tales, so I enjoyed it much more than my parents.
Later on Boyfriend and I hung out with friends for a bit where we watched funny youtube videos and drunk people make interesting? decisions.

Sunday (which is almost over now) I miraculously slept in until nine o'clock, and  I think it was the best sleep I've had in a long time. At 10 we tried to take my Dad for breakfast, there was a line out the door at one place and a half hour wait at another. So we waited for half an hour, got seated and then waited an hour for a greasy breakfast that made me feel ill. It was the worst breakfast I've ever had out.  There's only a handful of places I trust for breakfast and this wasn't one of them (the line out the door one was).  Then we headed to a show 'n shine.  I love old cars.
If I could one day own a 1956 Chevrolet Belair, I would be a happy girl.
I didn't have my camera with me, so I didn't take many pictures.
But it was a fun day overall!
My youngest brother made a fantastic steak dinner with potato salad and corn.
I gave my dad this book:

Now Boyfriend and I are ignoring each other while being on our lap tops and relaxing before the work week. (Aw yeah four day work week for us! It's my graduation from phlebotomy on Friday!!)

Have a lovely week!

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