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Monday, October 27, 2014

Another Anxiety Post

Hello Lovelies!

Today I bring to you a post about my anxiety.

Lots of people have anxiety and I never really understood what it was all about until a few years ago.
But last year my Mom and I sat in the doctors office twice trying to figure out what was wrong with me and I was so frustrated because I didn't understand that I would burst into tears each time and the doctor would refer me to a therapist or prescribe me pills.
Finally a different doctor had me do a depression/anxiety quiz and finally said you have generalized anxiety disorder.

My anxiety does not have a trigger most of the time, it just happens.
I can have weeks where I'm really anxious and weeks that I'm carefree and happy.
Lately my social anxiety has been worse.

I went to the mall by myself last week, something that I don't do too often anymore, to try to find a gift. I walked in and my chest tightened, I was feeling warm....I walked into a store, spent less than five minutes in it and walked out. I went into another store and I was so overwhelmed that I practically ran out, went straight to my car and drove home.
I didn't realize it had gotten so bad.

This morning I am quite anxious about going to work and I have a social job, so that's not really the best thing to be feeling on a Monday morning.

When I have anxiety for no reason I tend to calm myself down by watching youtube videos or watching a movie, but I have yet to discover a way to handle social anxiety without having Boyfriend around.

Do you have any tips for handling anxiety?

Have a fantastic Monday and hopefully I'll be posting more this week!

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