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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Catching Up

Hi Gang!
The past two weeks have consisted of me living on my own, and I honestly thought I was going to work out everyday, blog consistently and film and edit lots.
I filmed 2 videos and didn't write a word.

I think while my love was away working I felt lost.  The majority of my time was spent working during the day and then come home to sit on the couch, drink a cold pressed juice and watch tv.
I was asleep by nine thirty (at the latest) every night.
I have some recommendations though!
I watched "Remedy" which was a Canadian hospital drama that I absolutely loved.  It got cancelled after season 2.
For movies, "The Intern" with Robert Deniro and Anne Hathaway was awesome.
 The Mother-In-Law to be and I had a fun Friday night last week of yummy food, a little too much wine, and great music!

This weekend will be visiting with my love now that he's home and cleaning up the house.
Boring adult stuff.
Plus lots of relaxing.
Have a lovely weekend and I hope you're having great weather!

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