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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Christmas Tag

Hello Lovelies!
I found "The Christmas Tag" over at MakeupSavvy. I've been reading their blog a lot lately and you should check it out if you're into that sort of thing :)

Moving on, did you ever do those surveys when you were younger? The ones you got through msn or hotmail and then you pass them on to your friends and even write hints about your crush in them and send them to him....Or was that just me?

So I have decided when I am uninspired to blog, I will do these surveys...I guess they're called tags no, so you (the reader) can get to know me better. Feel free to share your answers to the questions in the comments or a link to your blog would be lovely as well!

Here we go...
Actually before I start let me just say that I've scoured my computer for old Christmas photos and can't find any, then I realized I didn't get my camera until last Christmas, so I apologize for no visual effects.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

1. What is your favorite Christmas movie/s?
 I'm glad this question wasn't what are your favorite Christmas specials, because I love anything Christmas themed.
As for movies I love the first two Home Alone movies and I have a deep love for A Miracle on 34th Street with Mara Wilson (I actually just watched this a couple days ago). The house at the end of the movie (insert me sighing loudly here), I've wanted it since I was a little girl.

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
 I think I've only ever once opened a present on Christmas Eve and that was when my boyfriend and I first started dating. But other than that one time, it's always Christmas morning. At his house it's after breakfast and at my parent's it's before breakfast.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?
I can't remember much, but this one time sticks out in my head. My Grandfather had shown up Christmas morning and I knew there were presents and I was eying up the stockings but I had to wait. We have the Disney parade on tv every Christmas morning and I was probably 6 or 7 playing it cool sitting on the couch pretending I didn't notice any presents and was so involved with the parade.

4. Favorite festive food?
 Christmas cookies! You know the ones that come in tins? Any of those will do.

5. Favorite Christmas gift?
I'm quite happy with last year's gift of my camera or the Prada Candy perfume boyfriend bought me.
My Magic Potty Baby from when I was a kid sticks out the most though. I wanted it so bad (what kind of kid wants a baby that comes with a toilet and pees all the time? I'm not sure)

6. Favorite Christmas scent?
I have a few.
Breakfast on Christmas morning, the smell of a fresh Christmas tree once it's inside the house and the crisp, cold air.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Usually dinner with my family. For the longest time we would go to Pizza Hut and as we've gotten older and people work later hours than the restaurant was open for it was harder to do. So lately we've been getting pizza or a subway platter to our house.

8. What tops your tree?
An angel has topped the tree at my parents house for as long as I can remember.  One day when I have my own tree I think maybe a T-rex will top it :)

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? - See more at:

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? - See more at:
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) you always asked for and never received?
Either one of those life sized dolls or the Barbie jeep that you could drive.

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I love having two families to spend Christmas with and I hope one day we'll have a place big enough for everyone.  Christmas Eve is so much fun, we eat with my parents and brothers and then stay up late at my boyfriend's parents having wine and appetizers.  And then going to bed just us and we're so excited for people to open their gifts...I get excited just thinking about it.

Have a wonderful week!
Let me know your answers below or leave a link to your blog :)

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

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