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Friday, May 22, 2015

Anxiety, Anxiety, Anxiety

Here you go, another anxiety post.
It never changes, really.
It's always the same.

Your throat tightens, you feel like you have a bulge there (my most recent one lasted 3 weeks, I was ready to go to the doctor but it went away), your heart races, sometimes you get sweaty or cold, want to throw up, want to cry.

The reasons for my anxiety?
It's every changing.
Lately it's been work.
I always want to do the right thing, order the right test, follow the procedure etc.
Sometimes things don't go as planned.  A lot of the time they don't.
Today I was calling back and forth for almost an hour trying to figure out something I screwed up.
First of all, I hate using the phone.  It is probably my number one anxiety trigger.
At work I can do it because it has to be done, but I hate it.
We seemed to fix the issue that had happened, but here I am at home, four hours after work is done, still thinking about it.
And thinking about something from yesterday too.
It sucks because sometimes you have someone there to ask for help (today I didn't) but then they just agree with you but you want to know what they would do not just to agree with you!

I work in the medical field by the way, I don't know if I've ever mentioned that.

I still have one more day of work, and I probably won't even enjoy my day off on Sunday.  I'll be too anxious.  Something is bound to make me anxious tomorrow, especially because I'll be the senior person working.

I just wish that I knew everything I could possible know about my job or have no anxiety.  Either option would work for me.  Or just early retirement!

I hope everyone has a much better weekend than yours truly!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Things To Be Excited For!

There are quite a few things coming/opening next month and I am getting so excited!!
Plus there are some things that come out this month/have already come out that I am excited for.

First off, last week Mumford and Sons released their third album, "Wilder Mind".  No more banjos, which made me a little sad, but I have found some songs I quite enjoy on it.
"Just Smoke", oh my gosh, when I first heard this my eyes starting watering and I couldn't stop smiling.  I haven't even listened to the words all the way through, this song just makes me happy and reminds me of Summertime.

Sephora opens here next month. Need I say more?

Of Monsters and Men releases a new album June 9th. I've been listening to "Crystals" nonstop, so I can't wait to hear more.

Jenny Han has the sequel to "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" coming out, called "P.S. I Still Love You".
I really enjoyed the first one and I can't wait for a light Summer read.  And that's supposed to be out May 26th!

A couple movies come out this month that I am dying to see.  This Friday, May 15th Pitch Perfect 2 is out.  I am ready to laugh.
Then May 22nd the remake Poltergeist arrives.  They're here.
I have loved this movie since I was a kid.  My Grandma always had us watching odd movies at a young age.  This won't live up to the original but I am anxious to see it!

Another book....actually a few.
Sarah Dessen's "Saint Anything".  I love Sarah Dessen.  Her website is actually what got me started into blogging, about six years ago.  I just love her books.  I could honestly go on and on.

If you read  Emily Schuman's blogs, CupcakesandCashmere then you would now she has a new book out, "Cupcakes and Cashmere At Home".  I love home related and entertaining things, so I pre-ordered this and it came this week!  So excited to delve in.

Along with that pre-order I also ordered Cassey's Ho's book, "Hot Body Year Round: The Pop Pilates Plan to Get Slim, Eat Clean and Live Happy.." 
Cassey Ho is a youtuber but I can't watch a video and workout. I've tried hooking youtube up to the tv and it's just not for me.  I end up writing down the exercises or printing them out (I used to do this for Tone It Up) and going from that. So I was so glad Cassey released a book along with Katrina and Karena from Tone It Up"Tone it Up:28 Days to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous".
I was an avid Tone It Up girl about 4 years ago when I worked out everyday, hardcore.
I'm excited because both these fitness books are about working out at home, which I prefer because I'm cheap, and just using the basics. I have a few weights, a yoga mat, medicine ball etc so this is perfect for me.  Time to get beach body ready!

Last thing I am excited for. . .
June 2nd, Florence and the Machine releases "How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful".
I love Florence.
Hands down the best concert I have ever gone to.
Her voice is so strong, so powerful.
I just remember jumping around in the grass at her concert in Vancouver in 2012.  That was just a great weekend overall.

I am sure I kind find more things to get excited about but I'll stop here for now.

What are upcoming things you exciting for?  Please share in the comments! Happy Friday:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Magpie Syndrome

Imagine this...

It's Wednesday night, almost eight o'clock, you're sitting on your favorite chair watching Harry Potter and you just happen to be online window shopping.

50% off make up, what?? Tonight only?
I should definitely buy those things that I've been wanting but have been too cheap to buy.

BUT, you get distracted by summer-y looking things and bronzing oils and you're adding random things to your basket so you can get free shipping and next thing you know you are placing an order. . .

You check and you did not buy that thing you first wanted.

So you head to the website and it says that your order "goes directly to the warehouse so you can not change or cancel your order".

Major face palm here.

And first world problems.

But really? You can't cancel your order? So silly.

Happy Wednesday!