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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Summer Lovin'

It's been awhile.  Longer than usual.
I don't really have excuses this time, but I have been focusing more on my youtube channel lately which I'm very proud of myself for doing.
I even invested in a new fancy camera as a present to myself.
My boyfriend is being very supportive and will even give me ideas for videos when I'm struggling.
So far, it's a lot of haul videos which are fun but I love videos that are done like a music video so I'm going to work some of that into my channel too.

What have you done so far this Summer?
We've taken a day trip up the island and that was probably one of the best days ever.

I'm looking forward to our trip down the coast at the end of August.
We've never taken a vacation together before so it will be neat to see how we do on a road trip!
Boyfriend has actually never taken any vacation time from work before so it will be nice for him to have a break.

We plan to go to Portland for sure and we hope to make it to Disneyland! I'm still working on the details though.

 These past few weeks have been tough learning that some family, friends and pets all have cancer.  The family has been together a lot and just leaning on one another I guess is the best way to put it.
 It'll get better.

I'll have my first every niece in two months, we're waiting to hear about some other news from one of my brothers and then Boyfriend and I have been discussing marriage a lot lately.
He wants to get married in Disneyland, but I told him our mothers wouldn't be so happy about missing out on the marriage.

Needless to say, there are some exciting times to come and I'm ready to take it on!

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