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Monday, January 4, 2016

The 2016 To Do List

A lot happened in 2015. I did a lot, I didn't venture out of my comfort zone though.

This year I have compiled a list of things I would like to do!

1. Get a new piercing

2. Get back into shape and start feeling good about my body again

3. Have coffee at home more than going to Blenz (but I love that they know I like my croissant heated there and that I take my coffee black in a to-go cup!)

4. Be more adventurous with cooking.  I stick to chicken and pasta, meatloaf, soup and sandwich while my boyfriend is more adventurous (duck, homemade pizza, stews).  I would like to find some amazing recipes to try out this year!  Maybe I'll make a goal soon, like once a week venture outside my box and post about it (there's a good idea, way to go!)

5. Fold the laundry right away... This is a hard one, as I hate folding laundry (I'm currently looking at a basket full right now)

6. Do a solid purge of my wardrobe.

7. Blog, a lot.  And post one video a week on my youtube channel (I'm cringing)

8. Start planning a wedding.  Ugh.  I bought a wedding magazine, there is a lot to do did you know that?  I don't think it'll happen until 2017 maybe 2018 if it's too overwhelming.  I do love this guy dearly, so maybe we'll end up doing a spur of the moment thing.

9. Visit my niece more.  I'm terrible at this.  I think I've seen her a handful of times since she was born in September.

10. Shop online less. Spend less money on things I don't need so I can buy a house.

What does your list look like for 2016?

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