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Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday Night Thoughts. . .

It's Saturday night and you know what I've realized?
Vlogging is hard.

I tried to vlog this week and I managed to do it before work but looking back at it it's so boring!

The majority of it is me telling you I'm making my breakfast and that I'm going to clean and watch youtube before work.

I should have vlogged today to be honest.  We wandered around and shopped and then eventually came home and did drunk online shopping (which is one of my favorite activities).

Hopefully next week I'm more successful.  I'm not sure if I'll upload this week's "vlog" because it's kind of embarrassing.

You don't realize how lazy and boring you are until you film what you do for the day.

What did you do this Saturday?

I enjoyed today, we treated it like a Sunday aka we had zero plans and didn't do any chores.
And you know what? I'm excited to be engaged and I feel like it's made us feel closer and do more things together like be lazy in bed in the morning and play minecraft until 9am (like we did today).

It's just nice.
Get engaged, I highly recommend it.

I'm kind of thinking our wedding date will be in September 2017.  September and October are my favorites months.  It's a given that I love Summer, we both do.  But Autumn just holds a special place in my heart.  It smells good, there's good food and here in early Autumn it's warm.  We should probably figure that out soon rather than what song I want to walk down the aisle to...
That link is just one song I've been thinking about because we both like it.
Or "I Will Wait For You" by Mumford and Sons.  When we first started dating is when that song came out so it triggers a memory of taking the ferry to see him  and for him it triggers a memory of working on the mainland away from me.  So the acoustic version of that song would be perfect.

I'm all about music.  Music triggers memories for me, so with this whole wedding planning thing that's all I think about is music and memories.

I should do a post on what songs trigger certain memories.
If any songs trigger memories for you please leave them in the comments below as I am so curious!

Have a fantastic Saturday night and a lovely, relaxing Sunday!

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