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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Health & Fitness Update (1)

Hey Guys!
Just a quick update on the health and fitness journey today.
In the past month I've started eating way better.
My breakfast is pretty much the same everyday as it is my favorite meal and this is also the meal I eat the most food.

Breakfast- 2 eggs (sometimes with a Babybel cheese)
1/2 grapefruit
1 cup of shredded hashbrowns (I get the dehydrated ones from Costco, they're probably not the best for you but I love them)

This lasts me about 3 hours before I get hungry and get my 15 minute break.

My break snack changes with what I have on hand but typically it is this:

Break- Cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit and granola
Cliff bar or granola bar

Then about 2 hours later I have lunch.  Come lunch I'm hungry but not starving, so this meal tends to be smaller.

Lunch- Salad (tomato, arugula, red or yellow pepper, avocado and Renee's Greek dressing) sometimes chicken if I have any leftover from dinner the night before.
Yogurt (if I didn't have it during snack time)
or a FitMiss Chocolate Shake with almond milk

Dinner is kind of random. Usually we have a protein and a vegetable, I like to save most of my carbs for during the day when I need the energy.
Lately we have been trying out different meats like rabbit and goat.
I really enjoy having roasted brussels with dinner the most.

Then for a night time snack, around 7 o'clock, I will usually have popcorn with some white cheddar flavoring on it.

As for eating out.  We're not much of eating out people so it doesn't happen too often.
But I made a decision that at least once a week I will have a meal that I've been craving or eat out for a meal.
A few years ago when I was on a big health kick for 2 years, I didn't allow myself any "cheat" meals and I went nuts.

Usually for cheat day I will have pizza or sushi.  Those are my favorites.

A big thing I need to cut back on is wine.  I enjoy some red wine a few days a week and would like to limit that to Friday/Saturday.  I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day and other than that it's just good ol' H2O.
If I'm feeling really off or nauseous like I'm dehydrated (I find this a lot on the weekend as I don't drink as much water as I do when I'm at work) I will pour a big glass of water with some lemon in it and I feel refreshed.

As for working out. . .yeah, I need to put more effort into that part.
I'll update again probably next month, hopefully with pictures next time!

Have a fantastic weekend :)

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