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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Family Day

Monday was even better than Sunday.
Here in B.C. it was Family Day so we had the day off together (a great start).
I slept in until almost nine because I was up until midnight watching 'The O.C.'

We decided to go on a walk right away, so I quickly changed (no outfit posts this time), made a shake and headed out the door.

After we finished at this beach we had to trek up a whole bunch of stairs to get to the car.  I didn't realize how out of shape I am. . .
The next beach we walked was a bit more relaxed.

Walking this beach made me realize how much I want to get married outside and perhaps at a beach.
We discussed that we will be having a small wedding and possibly no reception, unless we own a house by that time and then we can just host a party at our house.
But things are still up in the air.

We had the most unusual but delicious dinner.
I made a salad with arugula, spinach, yellow bell pepper, tomato and cucumber.
Nathan cut up potatoes very thinly using the mandolin and then layered them with cheese.
Yesterday we went to the grocery store and found kangaroo meat.
We've been on a kick with trying different kinds of meats lately and this is one of my favorites so far, too bad it's so expensive!

What is one of the strangest meats you've tried? Let me know in the comments!
Have a super week.

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