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Monday, July 3, 2017

Health & Fitness Update (4)

Well, these updates are few and far between.
I feel quite possibly, the best I have felt in a long time.
I still have quite a ways to go fitness wise but I've been working out about 5 days a week for roughly 20 minutes, doing mostly weight training and just natural body resistance exercises.

I skipped the last two days but I am not feeling guilty about it as I was tired from a long work week and Friday night I just wanted to have fun.
I am eventually going to do a what I eat in a day post but for now I'll give you a quick look into my daily routine.

First, I have a notebook that I keep track of my food and workouts in, I find it helps me plan and be accountable.  Plus I like to see when I had a good day and it makes me just feel good.
I usually write in this at the end of the day but I always write my breakfast and lunch in for the next day as I usually have those meals already planned.

Breakfast- 3 eggs and smoothie (if we don't have smoothie stuff I will have oatmeal)
Snack- A big bottle of my homemade green juice (recipe coming soon) and maybe some fruit if I am still hungry
Lunch- usually a salad, Kind or Cliff bar, fruit (strawberries, pineapple, banana)
Dinner- Usually protein with a vegetable and rice
Snack- Sometimes I snack but lately I haven't been except for a couple pieces of dark chocolate

I usually work out around six thirty, after my dinner has digested and then after that just get chores done or relax.  It's a routine that is working out really well for me lately, just hopefully I can keep it up as it starts to get hotter here.

Have a great week!

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