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Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Happy Me

Happy Sunday!

I've done something bad.
I logged onto Facebook.

You see, I avoid Facebook. It's a place that makes me feel bad about myself and what I've done with my life so far.
I have a good life, there are things I would like to happen that aren't happening at this current moment. There are places I would like to go to and Facebook makes me feel bad that I haven't gone to them yet.

I realize people have their bad days (sometimes on Facebook they let you know....a lot) but for the most part people show the happy moments of their lives on there.

I have seen quite a few weddings on Facebook (one that I was apart of and yes I did post those pictures), there have been incredible vacations and oh! most of those weddings are in other parts of the world. Babies have been born (not that I need a baby), houses bought etc

So here I am feeling bad about myself.
Why am I not married. Oh yeah, I'm not ready. I'm ready to be engaged, but not married.
Why am I not traveling to exotic places? Because I am cheap and I want a house too.
Why am I not fit like her? Because I'm working six days a week and it makes me far too tired to even think about exercising at the end of the day.

I've logged out of Facebook now and have come to do one of the things I love most, write.
Writing is relaxing and the sound of my fingers fluttering across the keyboard puts me at ease.

Simple things make me happy, I don't need a destination wedding (as nice as that would be).
I went to the store last week to buy nail polish, I was in such a good mood after that shopping trip...mind you I did end up buying 3 nail polishes.  But it's just little things.
Boyfriend getting excited that I made him a sammich? Priceless.
Curling my hair, using my fancy new epilator and my parents bringing home Fruity Pebbles...all these little things make me happy.

Just wait until the leaves start changing color, then you'll really see a happy me :)

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