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Friday, August 28, 2015

The Next Eleven Days

Hello Lovelies!
I have been a terrible blogger/vlogger lately.
For whatever reason my video won't load into my editing program so I'll have to figure that out next week as I am on vacation at 1:30 today.

This week has been very....hmm, I've just been running around a lot this week trying to get ready for our vacation.

Tomorrow we leave at 3am for Oregon!
Sunday we should arrive in Anaheim.

I might blog in the evening if I'm not too zonked and expect some vlogs and possibly a haul on my youtube channel when I get back!

Have a great weekend and see you when I get back!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

What's On Television?

Hey Guys,

Enjoy this picture of a new cute puppy:

What is everyone watching on television nowadays? Or does everyone just watch Netflix?

I don't have cable, so I'm curious.

I might get cable when the Fall premiers begin...
Mostly for American Horror Story.

It seems like every show I like gets cancelled.
Last year I was really into "Witches of East End" but it didn't last long.

As for current tv I really enjoy watching "Chasing Life" and "Border Security" when I can.

Other than that, I live off of Netflix.

This Summer I've had marathons of "House" and "The Secret Life of the American Teenager".  I can always watch "Gilmore Girls" but I prefer watching it during Autumn the best along with "Gossip Girl".  I watched "Gossip Girl" back in the day and only make it to the third season, right now I'm on season 5 and am so excited to see the end!
But I did ruin it for myself and read spoilers...
My boyfriend and I also got into "Wet, Hot, American Summer:First Day of Camp". Pfffft!

As for movies?
"How to Train Your Dragon", "Shrek" and the random horror movies Netflix has have been favorites.

What are you watching or what are your Netflix picks?

Friday, August 14, 2015

I Am an Introvert

I read an article today about introverts and extroverts and I find that kind of stuff fascinating.

In the article it talks about how usually people assume you're shy if you're an introvert but that's not always true.  Being an introvert/extrovert is about how you 'recharge your battery'.

I've just come home from work not even an hour ago yet and my boyfriend is just talking, and asking questions and just has so much energy (he was off earlier than me today) and I just had to say "please stop".
I had a really busy day and I feel like I used my brain too much and my anxiety feels like it's spinning around in my chest like crazy, I just need like half an hour to be by myself and relax.

Extroverts like to be doing social things, being around groups of people to recharge, I don't quite understand that but I am not an extrovert.

I feed off people's energy when I'm in a group but once I'm home I'm glad it's over and I can rest up.

Funny how we work, isn't it?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

It's the Weekend!

Good Morning!
It's Saturday, yay! Which means only 5 hours of work to go before it's the actual weekend for me :)

I currently have three blog drafts saved, yes three, because for the past few days I have been so bummed and I would come home and write.  It helped, but I didn't want to post them because it's the same things over and over again.
They're about my anxiety and panic attacks and how I don't feel like me lately, how my job is just a job not what I want to do forever.
If you want to read my whines, I'm sure I could post them but I'd rather not.
I'm trying to promote positivity, mostly to myself.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Leave a comment and let me know!

I think I would like to do the following:
1. See a movie with my Dad
2. Work out
3. Exchange something at Sephora (I bought a twist up lipstick that doesn't twist)
4. Go to the Farmer's Market on Sunday
5. Take more pictures
6. Clean my house
7. Bake something/Cook a good dinner
8. Go to Pier1 and see if they put out the rest of their Autumn decor...and  maybe check out HomeSense too
9. Not sit in my chair all weekend and be lazy
10. Edit three videos and upload them!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Need a (positive) Change

Hello Reader,
I have a question for you.
How do you change your life, make it more exciting, just do anything different?

If you've read past posts, you'd know that I suffer from anxiety and it's only getting worse.
I have to go to the grocery store before 10am or else I panic.
I can't order pizza over the phone.
I absolutely hate waiting in line at the bank.
Answering any telephone call makes me nervous and I won't stop shaking for up to twenty minutes after.
I won't apply to any full time jobs at work as the interview process would almost kill me and therefore I'm stuck being a casual with no benefits.
Want to go shopping on my day off? Yeah right, I'll just use my computer for that.
If it's my "scheduled" day off from work I will still wake up all night in a panic and will stay up after 430am because I'm too anxious to go to sleep.

This makes it hard to try anything new, step out of my comfort zone, just spice up my life.
It's terrible and I'm letting it get the better of me.
I never used to be this bad until this year.

Any suggestions on something new I could do or that helps you with being anxious?

...Maybe I should try to order a pizza.