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Thursday, December 18, 2014

One More Week

Hello Loves!
Sorry I have not kept my blogging schedule this week and I've also failed on my gift guide.
I've done this in the past too. Start a gift guide and forget to finish because I've wrapped the presents.
And the big day is in a week, so a gift guide is probably useless at this point.

The reasons I haven't posted this week?
-I had a cold last week and finally got over it on Monday.
-Monday I worked a later shift and didn't get home until supper time.
-Wednesday was my day off and I really planned to blog but I had a car appointment, and was just trying to catch up on life in general (which is hard to do in one day) Then last night I had one of the worst stomach aches I've had in a long time and it's still a bit sore this morning.

After today I might try to post every day until Christmas, but no promises.
I really need to start setting aside a few hours to my blog on my blogging days.

Excuse me while I roll around in pain for a moment.

So, are you ready for Christmas?
I have to admit that I've been picking up last minute things week and it stresses me out.
The mall is so busy and I hate to shop alone, I tried to find Boyfriend a WOW gift and just couldn't find it so he's getting lots of practical things. My Mom said that I shopped for him like a Mom.

Anyways, I will possibly talk to you tomorrow!

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