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Monday, February 29, 2016

Health & Fitness Update (2)

I'm just going to tell my sob story first, okay?

Today sucked.
Last night I went to be just after nine, on a Saturday. I thought for sure I could make it until ten but I was beat.
Then this morning Nathan had his alarm set for five.  Five in the freaking morning.
Of course I heard it, but I rolled over and went back to sleep until six.
He started making all sorts of noise in the kitchen and then just before seven came and jumped on the bed.
BUT! I couldn't even be mad because I promised I would be better in the morning and not so grumpy all the time. Plus he made me waffles and coffee, who can be mad at that even if it's 630am.

The rest of the day I just felt bummed and off.
I ate really heavy foods on Thursday at a Birthday dinner and ever since then I've been in a pissy mood.

So I solved that.
Today I ate better, we went and bought a whole bunch of fresh fruit and veggies and I did some of my meal planning.  I also bought more protein powder as I'm almost done the one I have and I find it's not very filling.

I wanted to go for a run yesterday and today...that didn't happen.
That first step out the door is the absolute hardest.
I have all the tools I need for running except the confidence.
That's always been the hardest part for me, overcoming my anxiety to get out the door and not care that people will see me running.
To get over that I'm considering just running up and down my street three times as it has quite the hill I think it would be a great start!

I might do a haul video or post soon.
I'm going to do a birthday shop for myself and I'm planning on going to town on that. . .
First I need to take care of my car insurance.....

My breakfasts and lunches have been okay lately.
My dinners have been rich and I don't like having rich food in the evening so that needs to stop.
It's hard when it's Birthday Season, so I might actually do a Birthday Breakfast instead of a Birthday Dinner for mine in a week.
Wow, I'm going to be 28 in a week.
Next weekend is declared Birthday Weekend!  Saturday we're going to the city, Sunday will probably be a relax/chore day, Monday will probably be a "Me" day seeing as it is my day.

Have a Lovely week and I will hopefully be back on Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Baking Soda Cleansers

Another skincare post?
Is she crazy?

I recently received some skin care products from Influenster to review and thought it was appropriate to share on my blog seeing as I love skincare!

First off if you've never heard of Influenster it is a great website to check out
especially if you're going to be buying/trying out a product you have never used before.
So there's that aspect.

You can also sign up to receive "vox boxes", which you have to fill out a survey to see if it is right for you.
Then you have challenges to complete that come with your products.
It's not a bad gig, you get to try out some products and then let people know what you think of them.

So I received these two new products from Biore, one is a baking soda scrub and one is a baking soda cleanser.
My honest opinion?
I love the scrub (pictured left).  Basically it's baking powder that smells really fresh!
I use this every second day as my T-zone is oily and my cheeks tend to be dry.  I first wet my face then pour some of this into my hands and lather it up and then just scrub away at my face.
It's not too rough so it's good for my sensitive skin.
I think it will take awhile to go through this little tub as it looks like I haven't even touched it.  Will definitely buy when I am done with it.

The baking soda cleanser.  It's okay.
It smells alright, the beads in it are kind of big and just not for me.  I think I'm more of a cream cleanser kind of girl rather than gel.  I think when I was 17 I would've liked this better.
It's not a bad cleanser, just not for my skin right now.

Hopefully this was helpful and I suggest heading over to Influenster and checking it out!

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.

The Skincare Routine

Is anyone else obsessed with anti-aging products or skin care?

I'm trying to figure out when my obsession with skincare started and you know what? Possibly when I was eleven.

I remember using Noxema (I still have a tub of that stuff kicking around for my oily days) and my Mom telling me that all of my Dad's Aunts and Uncles used it and that they weren't wrinkly.
I used Noxema religiously after that.
I didn't use much for a moisturizer though, just whatever I had for body lotion at that time.

I must have used Noxema for seven or eight years.
Then when I neared twenty I decided to try Neutrogena.
I quickly fell in love with their grapefruit scrub and saw a massive change in my skin (for the better).
I used the same grapefruit range from Neutrogena for years, then one day I tried their Pore Refining Scrub and would alternate between the two.
This is around the time I started using a proper face moisturizer too.

So, my early twenties it was Neutrogena for face scrubs/washes and L'oreal for face cream.

2014 I began using higher end moisturizers and haven't looked back.

My current skincare routine is intense (in my opinion).

In the morning I will use either Origins Microdermabrasion Scrub or Neutrogena Pore Refining Scrub or Origins Frothy Face Wash (depends on my skin that morning).  After that I will go in with my Paula's Choice 2%BHA liquid, followed by Origins Ginseng Moisturizer and Fresh Youth eye cream.

This has been working rather well for me lately.

What I love most is my night routine, even though it can be a struggle to do it before I fall asleep.
First I will almost always use the Neutrogena Pore Refining Scrub , it's rare if I use anything else in the evening.  At the end of the day I feel like my skin is dirty and just needs a good cleanse, so this works for me.
Then I used my new favorites, Kiehls Midnight Recovery Eye Cream and Midnight Recovery Concentrate (which is an oil).
This combo is just my favorite.  My skin is soft and hydrated after this, but if I'm feeling like a bit more hydration/some retinol, I will use Neutrogena's Rapid Night Repair moisturizer (usually this happens 3x a week)

Lately this morning and night combo has been working amazingly for me.  I feel confident in my skin and while people usually think I look younger than I am, I have been getting compliments on my "nice skin".  The red wine could be helping too.

As for face masks? I have an addiction here.  I love the GlamGlow Youth Mud but rarely ever purchase it.  I like the Lush Cup O' Coffee mask, but the mask that seems to do the most for my skin is Caudalie's Instant Detox Mask.  I use this twice a week, three times if my skin is acting up.  The first time I ever used this I broke out like crazy and was hesitant to continue using it.  But I read up on the mask and found out it draws out the toxins in your skin, bringing them to the surface (pimples!) so I decided to continue using it and I'm so glad I did.

I love knowing people's skin routines so leave me yours in the comments below or sent me a link to your blog/youtube!

Thanks and here's to healthy, youthful, glowing skin :)

Monday, February 22, 2016

How To Spend A Weekend

I am quite enjoying our weekend adventures lately.
This past weekend we headed down island and wandered the capital.

On the way there we stopped at my favorite farmer's market and picked up five bags of coffee and a hot dog, made locally, for lunch.

Once we got to the capital we wandered into the most heavenly smelling place called Wannawafel.  We had already had waffles for breakfast but it just smelled too good to pass up, so we split a Liege waffle.  I didn't know what a Liege waffle was before this day but I would suggest trying one.

I'm always amazed when we walk past the Lululemon there how packed it is.
Eventually we met up with my parents, who were there having their own adventures, and wandered around with them.
We headed to Chinatown to check out a incredibly busy record store in Fan Tan Alley, then we were all getting peckish and stopped in a bakery.  I can't even remember the name of the bakery but it wasn't my favorite, the coffee was good though.

After visiting with my parents we headed to a tool store...
Then I got hungry and we picked up wings and potato wedges from the QF.
We got home and binged on our food while drinking mimosas.
It was a wonderful way to spend a Saturday!

What did you do on the weekend?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Family Day

Monday was even better than Sunday.
Here in B.C. it was Family Day so we had the day off together (a great start).
I slept in until almost nine because I was up until midnight watching 'The O.C.'

We decided to go on a walk right away, so I quickly changed (no outfit posts this time), made a shake and headed out the door.

After we finished at this beach we had to trek up a whole bunch of stairs to get to the car.  I didn't realize how out of shape I am. . .
The next beach we walked was a bit more relaxed.

Walking this beach made me realize how much I want to get married outside and perhaps at a beach.
We discussed that we will be having a small wedding and possibly no reception, unless we own a house by that time and then we can just host a party at our house.
But things are still up in the air.

We had the most unusual but delicious dinner.
I made a salad with arugula, spinach, yellow bell pepper, tomato and cucumber.
Nathan cut up potatoes very thinly using the mandolin and then layered them with cheese.
Yesterday we went to the grocery store and found kangaroo meat.
We've been on a kick with trying different kinds of meats lately and this is one of my favorites so far, too bad it's so expensive!

What is one of the strangest meats you've tried? Let me know in the comments!
Have a super week.

Monday, February 8, 2016

A Walk to the Falls

This weekend was beautiful.
I'm in such a better mood after lots of walks in the sunshine!

Sunday we took a walk to some waterfalls, it was cold out but not raining.

 We were hoping to find a trestle, but I'll have to do more research on where it's at so stay tuned for that.

I felt so much better after the walks we took this weekend that we've decided every Sunday we'll go on a walk together.  Hopefully more than just Sunday but Sunday is a day we're guaranteed off together at this point.
I am just happy after all this fresh air and exercise.
I would love to do fashion posts like this or videos but that will take some time.

And in case you're curious:
My sweater is from Aritzia (TNA Brand)
Jeans are Guess
Boots are Sorel

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Health & Fitness Update (1)

Hey Guys!
Just a quick update on the health and fitness journey today.
In the past month I've started eating way better.
My breakfast is pretty much the same everyday as it is my favorite meal and this is also the meal I eat the most food.

Breakfast- 2 eggs (sometimes with a Babybel cheese)
1/2 grapefruit
1 cup of shredded hashbrowns (I get the dehydrated ones from Costco, they're probably not the best for you but I love them)

This lasts me about 3 hours before I get hungry and get my 15 minute break.

My break snack changes with what I have on hand but typically it is this:

Break- Cottage cheese or yogurt with fruit and granola
Cliff bar or granola bar

Then about 2 hours later I have lunch.  Come lunch I'm hungry but not starving, so this meal tends to be smaller.

Lunch- Salad (tomato, arugula, red or yellow pepper, avocado and Renee's Greek dressing) sometimes chicken if I have any leftover from dinner the night before.
Yogurt (if I didn't have it during snack time)
or a FitMiss Chocolate Shake with almond milk

Dinner is kind of random. Usually we have a protein and a vegetable, I like to save most of my carbs for during the day when I need the energy.
Lately we have been trying out different meats like rabbit and goat.
I really enjoy having roasted brussels with dinner the most.

Then for a night time snack, around 7 o'clock, I will usually have popcorn with some white cheddar flavoring on it.

As for eating out.  We're not much of eating out people so it doesn't happen too often.
But I made a decision that at least once a week I will have a meal that I've been craving or eat out for a meal.
A few years ago when I was on a big health kick for 2 years, I didn't allow myself any "cheat" meals and I went nuts.

Usually for cheat day I will have pizza or sushi.  Those are my favorites.

A big thing I need to cut back on is wine.  I enjoy some red wine a few days a week and would like to limit that to Friday/Saturday.  I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day and other than that it's just good ol' H2O.
If I'm feeling really off or nauseous like I'm dehydrated (I find this a lot on the weekend as I don't drink as much water as I do when I'm at work) I will pour a big glass of water with some lemon in it and I feel refreshed.

As for working out. . .yeah, I need to put more effort into that part.
I'll update again probably next month, hopefully with pictures next time!

Have a fantastic weekend :)