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Monday, July 31, 2017

My Travel Makeup & Skincare Routine

I recently went to Las Vegas, not far from me but far enough.
Traveling means I get to use up a bunch of my miniature products, which I was psyched for (ask the boyfriend).  It also means that I really need to figure out what makeup products are really essential to me, which was hard because I have a blush palette I love, but it is rather large.

I had a method to my madness.
I packed everything I would normally use, which sounds ridiculous but it was my system, then I went through it all again and asked myself "do I really need this for the three days I'm gone?"
I would narrow it down to if one product could do the work of two, do I need a blush palette when I'm going to be in forty degree Celsius weather?, do I need two highlighters?
The only thing I couldn't get myself to agree on was mascara. . .I brought three. . .did I end up using three? No.  I used the same one every day.

What I started with was excessive. Not pictured, is an eye shadow palette that I brought and used once.  And all I used it for? my inner corner highlight.  I brought a lipstick, but all I ended up using was my Lancome Juicy Shaker (in cotton candy), love these things!  The Nars soft matte complete concealer was awesome for the hot weather and I think I claim it as my all time favorite concealer after this trip.  I just want to mention that I never hear anyone talk about the Buxom lash mascara, I freaking love it.  It never flakes or clumps on me and makes my lashes look so good, I need to invest in the full version.

I thought for sure I would be into wearing a lot of makeup but a)I was wearing sunglasses half the time and b)it was sweltering!  I was more into caring for my skin and hair, as the heat attacked it.

I used my regular shampoo and conditioner, and just transferred them to small containers (hair routine coming soon), but this soy leave-in treatment from SexyHair helped so much while down there.  I am a blush person and I only brought this one from Charlotte Tilbury/Norman Parkinson Color of Youth, and I only used it the first day. My Charlotte Tilbury bronze and glow was a must though, along with the Becca under eye corrector.

I recently used my points to get the First Aid Beauty set at Sephora and have been dying to use these minis and finally got the chance. 
Face cleanser- While it is good and didn't effect my skin in a bad way, I'll pass and stick to my Neutrogena.
Coconut Primer- I am not sure. . .I like the way it felt and the scent wasn't bad, but I just didn't notice much difference if that makes sense. I would save my money.
Ultra Repair Hydrating Serum- I liked this quite a bit, but seeing how I have other serums I like slightly more I'm not buying the full size.
Ultra Repair Cream- I did not like the scent of this but I really like the cream, a lot.  The scent goes away quickly so I may the full size in the future if suddenly Eucerin stops making my favorite.

I brought my bum bum cream by Sol de Janeiro and never used it once!  But trust that I've been using it like crazy since I've been I did transfer my Brazilian Crush spray into a smaller container to bring on the trip and wore it every day.

Since we've been home I've been embracing a no makeup makeup look more than usual, mostly just concealer, bronzer and highlight.  It feels very summery and I'm loving it.

What are your travel essentials?
Expect a beach post later this week as we're headed out for some waves today!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Self Doubt

I just read a fantastic post by Jess Ann Kirby and it inspired me so much to write my own.

Her post was all about self doubt, and lately I've been (what I now realize) is major self doubt, on top of depression and anxiety...or maybe my self doubt is causing those things.
Another thing she mentioned was to stop comparing.  I compare via instagram, "why am I not doing that? I want to go there" etc
It's bad, bad for your mental health and bad for your relationships.
So while this isn't my favorite picture of me, I was happy.  My boyfriend had just done something that made me laugh.
What everyone else would see on social media would be this girl having the time of her life in Vegas.
A week before this I was crying all day, miserable, ready to quit my job and I was just done with everything.  That week before inspired our trip.  I was sad the whole weekend before and Monday I let it slip that I had been constantly crying and Boyfriend decided we had to do something fun on vacation.
So while that picture isn't a lie, it's not the whole story.

I have yet to figure out how to get over my self doubt as I just don't feel like I'm on the right career path.  That's up to me to work hard at getting to where I want to be.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Blah Times

Hope everyone is doing well.
I've been busy but not?
My dude has been working night shift so we're not getting a lot of time to go on adventures.
I hang out with myself quite a bit, and honestly? I'm pretty boring.
I had a good thing going for a bit health and fitness wise and then I got sick and it all went know.

My head is a bit of a mess today as I'm, once again, fed up with my work.  It's not the actual job itself, it's some of the politics.  I love the people I work with and the majority of the patients, but some of the other stuff? It makes me want to pull my hair out. 

So I'm taking a breather tonight and just zoning out watching 'garbage tv' as my man calls it.
I just wanted to check in and say hey and that I'm working on a post that I'm quite excited about, I just need my mister photographer for it is all.

Have a great week and let me know what you do to get through those blah times.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Health & Fitness Update (4)

Well, these updates are few and far between.
I feel quite possibly, the best I have felt in a long time.
I still have quite a ways to go fitness wise but I've been working out about 5 days a week for roughly 20 minutes, doing mostly weight training and just natural body resistance exercises.

I skipped the last two days but I am not feeling guilty about it as I was tired from a long work week and Friday night I just wanted to have fun.
I am eventually going to do a what I eat in a day post but for now I'll give you a quick look into my daily routine.

First, I have a notebook that I keep track of my food and workouts in, I find it helps me plan and be accountable.  Plus I like to see when I had a good day and it makes me just feel good.
I usually write in this at the end of the day but I always write my breakfast and lunch in for the next day as I usually have those meals already planned.

Breakfast- 3 eggs and smoothie (if we don't have smoothie stuff I will have oatmeal)
Snack- A big bottle of my homemade green juice (recipe coming soon) and maybe some fruit if I am still hungry
Lunch- usually a salad, Kind or Cliff bar, fruit (strawberries, pineapple, banana)
Dinner- Usually protein with a vegetable and rice
Snack- Sometimes I snack but lately I haven't been except for a couple pieces of dark chocolate

I usually work out around six thirty, after my dinner has digested and then after that just get chores done or relax.  It's a routine that is working out really well for me lately, just hopefully I can keep it up as it starts to get hotter here.

Have a great week!