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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Movies, Songs and Books

Movies, books and songs that provoke memories.
You know what I mean, I hope.

That one song comes on and it takes you back to that moment when you first heard it or you had a meaningful experience associated with it.

"Truly Madly Deeply" by Savage Garden.  I was ten and it was my first dance with a boy.

"The Killer" by Mobile.  I heard this on the radio when I was in Washington, I think I was nineteen, and I searched for it for months on the internet and couldn't find it.  Finally I heard it tv, I think, and downloaded it right away.  It was a song I listened to late at night and I just felt confident.  The band came to my town and I imagined myself being in the bar, confident, dancing to my song and owning the room.  In reality, I sat at a table and enjoyed the band from there.

"I Will Wait For You" by Mumford and Sons.  I just started dating my now fiancee then and this song had just come out at the time.  I listened to it on repeat for months and whenever I went on the ferry to see him.  So I just associate it with him.

"Running Up That Hill" by Placebo.  My eyes tear up when I hear this song.  I relate it to a very dark time in my life and it's just a hard song to listen to now, but I still have it on my ipod.

"Crystals" by Of Monsters and Men.  We listened to this song so much last Summer, especially during our road trip to California. 

"First Date" by Blink-182.  I loved Blink-182, still do, but this song reminds me of being a teenager.  I would listen to this song from a mixed cd, on my discman (yes, a discman) and imagine going on dates with the boys I had crushes on.  I was pretty boy crazy growing up, but never did anything about it.

"Shh" by Donora.  I was 22, obsessed with Donora and some other bands that sounded like them and I was just weird?  I would come home from my 5 hour shift at noon and go for a walk.  I'd stop by the convenience store and get a red slushy from the cute blonde boy who worked there (like I said boy obsessed) and then walk while listening to music.  And that's what I did most Sundays.  I was really confident at that time and my anxiety wasn't really present during those 6 months.

Movies.  I love movies so much it makes me want to cry.
I wanted to be apart of movies so badly and make people feel the things I felt watching them.  I did acting classes for quite awhile and did some castings but never got anything.  It just got too expensive to keep doing the classes that I loved so much.  Those classes really brought me out of my shell and showed me how to express myself again and that I didn't have to keep feelings bottled up inside.

"Whip It".  Yes, the roller derby movie.  That was the first movie I ever saw alone.  I remember it was a really sunny day, I wasn't working yet, my Dad was up North with my Grandfather who was dying and I just decided to take the bus and see a movie.
This movie is what sparked that confidence I was talking about earlier.  I saw this and felt, empowered?
It just made me feel good.
I felt confident because I saw a movie at the theater alone.
The movie just inspires confidence.  I even watched it today because I was feeling down and this movie just cheers me up.

"The Vow".  Another movie I saw alone.  It was Valentine's Day, I had just finished work and realized the boy I was seeing at the time would never take me to see and I just felt like getting lost at the movies that day.  So that's what I did.
It's not the best movie ever, it's kind of a sappy chick flick but I love it.  I can watch it over and over again.

"The Labyrinth".  My Grandma got us to watch this when I was a kid, I was really young...I'm thinking six or seven.  Loved it, always have, always will.  Plus I remember when I used to work at the grocery store with my fiancee and he asked if I had seen it, all I could think was "this boy knows what The Labyrinth is????? Must date."
It is such an odd movie but it kind of set a tone for a lot of the movies I'd like growing up.

"Poltergeist".  Another movie my Grandma got me to watch.  I was ten and I was so into this movie.  I had to watch all three.  I remember writing a story at school about the movie, my teacher must of thought I was a really strange kid.

I read, a lot.
But I can only come up with a couple books that have impacted me.

"Gingerbread", "Shrimp" and "Cupcake" by Rachel Cohn.  I absolutely adore her character Cyd Charisse and her badassery.  She is so confident and I've always admired her for that.  I picked "Gingerbread" up when I was thirteen and then I think I got "Cupcake" when I was nineteen or twenty.  I'm curious how she turned out as an adult and if she has a successful bakery like I imagine her to have.

"Violet on the Runway" by Melissa Walker.  I used to talk to Melissa Walker occasionally on her website, it was really neat.  I don't even remember how I found out about these books.  They're easy reads but I really enjoy them.  Violet, is just an average awkward girl but she gets discovered by a model scout and the story goes from there.  I used to always want to model and so I felt like I got a feel for how rough it can be through these books.

I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know what movies, songs or books have had an impact on your life! 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Rambles About Health & Fitness

This is kind of silly but it's real.
Lettuce, is nine dollars where I live.
No joke.

I've been trying to eat a lot healthier and not eating as much processed food lately.
I'm still getting over a cold but I've been making my lunches two days in advance because that's where I tend to fail.
My breakfasts are pretty much the same, either eggs and hashbrowns (I don't care how healthy I eat/should eat, I will never give up my hashbrowns) or oatmeal.
Dinner is usually a protein and a vegetable.
Can I be honest?
Of course I can, it's my blog.
I hate lunch.

I've always hated lunch.
I'm more of a snack person.

So I've been planning my lunches this week and hopefully will continue to do it.

I'm hoping to do a post at least once a week about health and fitness.  Maybe what I've been eating or how my work outs are going. . .you know, once I'm 100% over this damn cold.

I used to be in the best shape, I'd run about 4 times a week or work out on the elliptical machine, I'd lift weights and do yoga, but I've kind of slipped in the past 4 years.
I was not ripped, but I was toned and fit for me.  I need to get back to that.

Recently I've stopped taking birth control pills. 
I'm using other methods but I won't get into that.
Birth control pills made me crazy.
I think I went over this in a previous post, so I won't go into details.
But I had a break down, realized I needed to go off the pill again and I have never been happier than I am right now.

So mentally, I am happier.
Now I just need to get to that physical part.

I'm rambling, aren't I?
It's Friday.

Let's get back on track.
I'm trying really, really hard to eat healthier but cauliflower is over five dollars a head, lettuce is nine dollars and for two chicken breasts over ten dollars.
It's ridiculous!

Eating healthy is hard when you're having to fork out that much money for lettuce, which is basically water.

That's my whole rambling story about how I'm going to post some health and fitness things on the blog.

Having a glass of wine or two while blogging is fun, isn't it?

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday Night Thoughts. . .

It's Saturday night and you know what I've realized?
Vlogging is hard.

I tried to vlog this week and I managed to do it before work but looking back at it it's so boring!

The majority of it is me telling you I'm making my breakfast and that I'm going to clean and watch youtube before work.

I should have vlogged today to be honest.  We wandered around and shopped and then eventually came home and did drunk online shopping (which is one of my favorite activities).

Hopefully next week I'm more successful.  I'm not sure if I'll upload this week's "vlog" because it's kind of embarrassing.

You don't realize how lazy and boring you are until you film what you do for the day.

What did you do this Saturday?

I enjoyed today, we treated it like a Sunday aka we had zero plans and didn't do any chores.
And you know what? I'm excited to be engaged and I feel like it's made us feel closer and do more things together like be lazy in bed in the morning and play minecraft until 9am (like we did today).

It's just nice.
Get engaged, I highly recommend it.

I'm kind of thinking our wedding date will be in September 2017.  September and October are my favorites months.  It's a given that I love Summer, we both do.  But Autumn just holds a special place in my heart.  It smells good, there's good food and here in early Autumn it's warm.  We should probably figure that out soon rather than what song I want to walk down the aisle to...
That link is just one song I've been thinking about because we both like it.
Or "I Will Wait For You" by Mumford and Sons.  When we first started dating is when that song came out so it triggers a memory of taking the ferry to see him  and for him it triggers a memory of working on the mainland away from me.  So the acoustic version of that song would be perfect.

I'm all about music.  Music triggers memories for me, so with this whole wedding planning thing that's all I think about is music and memories.

I should do a post on what songs trigger certain memories.
If any songs trigger memories for you please leave them in the comments below as I am so curious!

Have a fantastic Saturday night and a lovely, relaxing Sunday!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Shoud I Vlog?

This cold has been just kicking my butt!
And I shared it with Boyfriend Fiancee too.

But I didn't come on here to complain about my cold.
I came on here to say I really really really want to start a new youtube channel for vlogging.
I would like to vlog with Fiancee even thought we're pretty boring just to give me something to do and I think it would be a fun thing for us to do together!

What inspired this?
Erik Conover's youtube channel.
His model girlfriend and him live in New York and it's just about their daily lives. 
What makes it so intriguing?
The couple is relatable and I just can't stop watching his videos.

I would highly recommend checking out his channel, and she has her own channel as well which I've already subscribed too.

Enjoy and stay on the look out for if I decide to start vlogging!

Monday, January 4, 2016

The 2016 To Do List

A lot happened in 2015. I did a lot, I didn't venture out of my comfort zone though.

This year I have compiled a list of things I would like to do!

1. Get a new piercing

2. Get back into shape and start feeling good about my body again

3. Have coffee at home more than going to Blenz (but I love that they know I like my croissant heated there and that I take my coffee black in a to-go cup!)

4. Be more adventurous with cooking.  I stick to chicken and pasta, meatloaf, soup and sandwich while my boyfriend is more adventurous (duck, homemade pizza, stews).  I would like to find some amazing recipes to try out this year!  Maybe I'll make a goal soon, like once a week venture outside my box and post about it (there's a good idea, way to go!)

5. Fold the laundry right away... This is a hard one, as I hate folding laundry (I'm currently looking at a basket full right now)

6. Do a solid purge of my wardrobe.

7. Blog, a lot.  And post one video a week on my youtube channel (I'm cringing)

8. Start planning a wedding.  Ugh.  I bought a wedding magazine, there is a lot to do did you know that?  I don't think it'll happen until 2017 maybe 2018 if it's too overwhelming.  I do love this guy dearly, so maybe we'll end up doing a spur of the moment thing.

9. Visit my niece more.  I'm terrible at this.  I think I've seen her a handful of times since she was born in September.

10. Shop online less. Spend less money on things I don't need so I can buy a house.

What does your list look like for 2016?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Beauty Lover Tag

There's a great little makeup tag going on over at Bloomin' Rouge and I suggest checking it out!
Here are my answers to the tag:

1. If you could have anyone in the world do your makeup, who would it be?
I think it would be fun to have Mykie from Glam&Gore do my makeup. 
I love her youtube channel, it reminds me of when my brothers and I used to try to do gory makeup for our home movies.

2. What's your top makeup tip?
This is tough.  I just do my makeup everyday and don't really think of any tricks/tips that I do.
Maybe blend.  Blend everything. Eye shadow, blush, concealer, etc Blend.

3. What one makeup item could you not live without?
It's between mascara and concealer...I think the winner is mascara.
It just makes me look more away and opens up my eyes.

4. What one skincare item could you not live without?
Origins Ginseng Moisturizer.
I've been stranded without it before and my skin did not enjoy that.

5. What are you worst at when it comes to applying makeup?
I'm not very good at applying eyes hadow to my crease or applying lipstick.  I think I have no patience.

6. What's your biggest pet peeve when it comes to beauty?
Foundation not matching skin tones.  Cake face.

7. What's your favourite makeup era?
The fifties/sixties

8. What's your guilty pleasure product?
Sunday Riley's Good Genes.  My skin loves this stuff, but it's so hard to stomach the price!

9. What's your underdog product?
The Body Shop All-in-One BB Cream color adapting.  This stuff makes my skin look so good, but it's light weight.  It just helps to enhance my dull skin.

10. What's your favourite makeup product of 2015?
Absolute favorite?  Can I list 3?
Nyx Angel Veil Primer
Benefit Cosmetics Rollerlash
Nyx Micro Brow pencil
...guess I meant four.  Colourpop blush (Between the sheets) 

Friday, January 1, 2016

Wedding Planning

Where do you even start?

Of course, I am browsing Pinterest for ideas.

But there's the things Pinterest can't solve for you. . .

Who do you invite?

Should we get it catered?

Do we want to get married outside?

Intimate wedding? Big party?

Where should we have it?

The most common question right now is "do you have a date set?"
The answer to that is no.

We have zero ideas.

I have one close female friend, she lives in Wisconsin.  So bridesmaid options are slim.

We both agreed we would like to own a house first, but then he brought up the point that if we got married first we could ask for money for presents towards a house.  So, there's that.

I think lists are going to need to start soon.

If you have any tips please pop them in the comments below!
Thank you so much!