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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

Hello Lovelies!
What are you doing this New Year's Eve?
I am all dressed up, make up and hair done. I think I look quite nice.
I came over to Boyfriend's house to find him in a dress shirt and all handsome!
You probably think I'm a nut bar for writing this post at 6pm on New Year's Eve.

We just finished wings and the rest of our night consists of prawns, video games, maybe a movie and a couple of drinks.
We're not that cool anymore. Last year we stayed in too, but this year was a bit more planned than last.
That's the hair and makeup (nothing extreme) and the dress I ended up wearing will be linked HERE) and if I get the Get Ready With Me video uploaded to the youtube it will be linked below.

This past year had highlights but at the same time I feel like it wasn't anything that stood out to me, but it should be.

I just finished the last day of my first year in my 365 Questions journal, which asked what was the most memorable moment of this year.  Here are my top three:

1. My younger brother got married.

 2. Graduation from College. And also I finally have a career.

3. The time spent with Boyfriend. We had a blast this year going to the river, the corn maze, farmer's markets etc

I think that 2015 is going to be amazing.
I hope to have yet another blog up tomorrow consisting of some goals I have for the year.

Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What Would You Do If...

I said I'd try to blog every day, didn't I?
I just didn't say what I'd blog about...

What would you do if after almost 9 years of not seeing your 3 year long high school crush, he happened to come in to your work one day?
I saw this guy at work today, didn't even recognize him.  I looked at our line up to see who was next and saw his name a few names down.  Instantly, my heart was pounding and I was shaking. Do I let my co-worker call the next patient and I call him? Do I call the next patient and let her have him?
I decided not to feel awkward and called the next patient. My co-worker called him and I think he thought I called him, but I pointed him in the right direction. Anyways, I made one comment on where he lived now and just felt dumb haha.
You know when you have that crush that knew you liked them but didn't do anything? That was him. He never led me on, we only ever talked on msn back in the day.  I just wanted to be like ha, look how happy I am, sucks you never hung out with me doesn't it?
But, in reality I am so over that.

What would you do if your ex boyfriend decided to become female?
That's a loaded question, isn't it?
This is another thing I've had to deal with lately.
I'll be honest with you, when I first heard about this I laughed. Not like haha that's so funny, no, it was shock.  Like really? Is this happening?
My next thought was whoa, he just came out to everyone and is going to go through this huge change, this is going to be so hard for him.
I really wanted to send him/her a message to say congratulations and that I'm here for support.
But should I?
I just don't know if he'd appreciate it or is done.  I've only seen him/her once in the past two years and it was awkward, but I feel like now, maybe it wouldn't be?  Maybe it's just not my place anymore seeing as we didn't stay friends...

Let me know your opinion in the comments :)
And if you've ever ran into an old crush, please say you were more charming than I was.

Happy two days before Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2014

It's Christmas Week!

Happy Monday!
In all honesty, I hate Mondays. But, it's Christmas week!
Unfortunately I am still feeling poorly and have been doing everything I can to make myself better.
I have two days of work left before some, very needed, days off begin.
I still feel like I'm missing something though.  I wandered the mall twice this past weekend and nothing was coming to me.

I was thinking this morning about how easier Christmas was as a kid.
You didn't do any of the shopping, unless you were like my parents and would give us about ten to twenty dollars and take us to shop for the other parent.

As a kid you didn't have to worry about going back to work the next day.  You could be in your pajamas until supper and play with your new toys all day. Don't forget that lunch would consist of chocolate.

Now Christmas for me is busy.
I still get up early on Christmas day, but then I have breakfast and presents with the Boyfriend's family and then be at my parent's house for nine and do the same there (yes, two breakfasts!) Usually I'll hang out at my house for the majority of the day, get ready and all that jazz.  Then I'll go to Boyfriend's try to have a nap and fail, by four o'clock I need to be at my parent's to help finish with dinner which runs until about 7pm and then back to the Boyfriend's for wine and more fun.
Don't get me wrong, I love it all but it's exhausting.

Sometimes I just wish I could be a kid again.
I remember my parents stressing out up until Christmas Day, and then Christmas day was just perfect.

What do you remember about Christmas as a kid?

Happy Monday

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sick at Christmas

Hello Lovelies!
Can you believe it's the 20th?
I apologize for not blogging yesterday!
I ended up working a bit further away and when I got home I just felt like the pits.  I've come down with yet another cold.  I sound like a young boy going through puberty at the moment.

It's Saturday night which means I'm laying in bed with either a glass of wine or a cider (tonight I chose cider). I also decided to finally watch "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".  I still have an hour left...Holy crap, it just got to a part about some DNA and the spiders (if you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about) I kept my face and took a picture:
Haha, it's such a bad one. I should make this a tradition, my Saturday night no make up, drinking wine face.

I have two presents left to wrap yet I still feel like I'm missing something.
Are you done shopping/wrapping?
I think I need one more stocking stuffer for Boyfriend, which will be jelly beans as he keeps talking about them and I feel like he needs a WOW present. He keeps buying himself stuff (just like me) so I might just buy him a nice hoody.

 I have had an online shopping habit lately.
I'm really loving BooHoo & Forever21, has anyone ever bought anything from lookbook?
I keep seeing their stuff on instagram, but I'm weary.

This was going to be a wishlist, but that will have to wait another day as I'm having a coughing fit.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

One More Week

Hello Loves!
Sorry I have not kept my blogging schedule this week and I've also failed on my gift guide.
I've done this in the past too. Start a gift guide and forget to finish because I've wrapped the presents.
And the big day is in a week, so a gift guide is probably useless at this point.

The reasons I haven't posted this week?
-I had a cold last week and finally got over it on Monday.
-Monday I worked a later shift and didn't get home until supper time.
-Wednesday was my day off and I really planned to blog but I had a car appointment, and was just trying to catch up on life in general (which is hard to do in one day) Then last night I had one of the worst stomach aches I've had in a long time and it's still a bit sore this morning.

After today I might try to post every day until Christmas, but no promises.
I really need to start setting aside a few hours to my blog on my blogging days.

Excuse me while I roll around in pain for a moment.

So, are you ready for Christmas?
I have to admit that I've been picking up last minute things week and it stresses me out.
The mall is so busy and I hate to shop alone, I tried to find Boyfriend a WOW gift and just couldn't find it so he's getting lots of practical things. My Mom said that I shopped for him like a Mom.

Anyways, I will possibly talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

(Two) New Kids on the Block

Good morning!
So it looks like there are two new kids on the block.
From Tarte Cosmetics the Tartelette Amazonian Clay Matte Eyeshadow Palette.
$53 Canadian at Sephora for VIB and VIB Rouge members.

TooFaced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette. $59 Canadian at Sephora for VIB and VIB Rouge members.

Which one will you be getting or will you be waiting for other Spring palettes to arrive?
I'm leaning towards the Tarte one at the moment, but I'm still unsure.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Don't Like Mondays

I am going to be honest with you.
I am not quite ready for this Monday blog.
Usually I prepare the night before, have it written out and photos ready.
Last night I think I watched a movie and passed out at 9.

And this is what I look like right now:

Wine and chips in hand.
I started out with a bad day that just kept getting worse.
Plus I'm starting to get sick.

Do you have those work days where it feels like nothing goes your way?
I had a whole week like that and it's followed me to this week.

I got home tonight and my boyfriend's mom had a glass a wine ready for me. So I got into my pajamas, settled in to bed with a glass of wine and a movie.

I don't like Mondays.

What do you do to de-stress?
I promise to be more prepared next time!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gift Ideas for...

Your Sister In-Law!
This year I have a new Sister In-law, which means I get to buy lots of girly gifts!
While most of these are stocking stuffer type gifts, I prefer to fill a box with smaller things than buy one big gift.
[Tarte Best in Faux Lash Extending Fibers/Bioderma Sensibio/L.A. Girl Glazed Lip Paint in "Pinup"/Philosophy hand cream in "Cranberry Medley"/Philosophy Purity Made Simple Cleanser]

I'm thinking I want to get her one more thing, so maybe a hair product or a fancy pen that I saw at Chapters, I'm not quite sure yet. Suggestions are welcome :)

How far along are you on you Christmas shopping?
More gift ideas to come!
Have a great week!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Last Month

Good morning Lovelies!
It's the last month of the year! Can you believe it?
There a quite a few Christmas themed things I have planned for the blog this month and I hope to get some videos up on my youtube channel as well.

Unfortunately I will not be participating in Vlogmas, but I hope to do a weekly vlog (we'll see how that works out...)

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
My family's has changed over the years.
We used to religiously go to Pizza Hut on Christmas Eve, but they started closing earlier each year (can you blame them?) or my Mom has been working later.
Now Boyfriend and I tend to hang out with his family on Christmas Eve and then go visit mine for a couple hours and then we go back home and relax for the night.

We're usually the first to wake up and we'll just snuggle in bed and be so excited to start the day.
Last year we were awake at four am, and played Foosball until everyone else woke up.

This year will be a little bit different as someone has to work on Christmas Day, so we'll get two days of Christmas!

Have you finished or even started shopping yet?
I've been picking things up here and there, unfortunately I've bought more for myself, again.
I do this every year. It's such an awful habit....but there are so many deals!

I hope to do a gift guide soon, once I have more shopping done.

Before I head off to get ready for work, quick question: Which advent calendar is your favorite?

Have lovely a Monday and we'll talk again on Wednesday!