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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014

Hello Lovelies!
What are you doing this New Year's Eve?
I am all dressed up, make up and hair done. I think I look quite nice.
I came over to Boyfriend's house to find him in a dress shirt and all handsome!
You probably think I'm a nut bar for writing this post at 6pm on New Year's Eve.

We just finished wings and the rest of our night consists of prawns, video games, maybe a movie and a couple of drinks.
We're not that cool anymore. Last year we stayed in too, but this year was a bit more planned than last.
That's the hair and makeup (nothing extreme) and the dress I ended up wearing will be linked HERE) and if I get the Get Ready With Me video uploaded to the youtube it will be linked below.

This past year had highlights but at the same time I feel like it wasn't anything that stood out to me, but it should be.

I just finished the last day of my first year in my 365 Questions journal, which asked what was the most memorable moment of this year.  Here are my top three:

1. My younger brother got married.

 2. Graduation from College. And also I finally have a career.

3. The time spent with Boyfriend. We had a blast this year going to the river, the corn maze, farmer's markets etc

I think that 2015 is going to be amazing.
I hope to have yet another blog up tomorrow consisting of some goals I have for the year.

Have a safe and fun New Year's Eve!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What Would You Do If...

I said I'd try to blog every day, didn't I?
I just didn't say what I'd blog about...

What would you do if after almost 9 years of not seeing your 3 year long high school crush, he happened to come in to your work one day?
I saw this guy at work today, didn't even recognize him.  I looked at our line up to see who was next and saw his name a few names down.  Instantly, my heart was pounding and I was shaking. Do I let my co-worker call the next patient and I call him? Do I call the next patient and let her have him?
I decided not to feel awkward and called the next patient. My co-worker called him and I think he thought I called him, but I pointed him in the right direction. Anyways, I made one comment on where he lived now and just felt dumb haha.
You know when you have that crush that knew you liked them but didn't do anything? That was him. He never led me on, we only ever talked on msn back in the day.  I just wanted to be like ha, look how happy I am, sucks you never hung out with me doesn't it?
But, in reality I am so over that.

What would you do if your ex boyfriend decided to become female?
That's a loaded question, isn't it?
This is another thing I've had to deal with lately.
I'll be honest with you, when I first heard about this I laughed. Not like haha that's so funny, no, it was shock.  Like really? Is this happening?
My next thought was whoa, he just came out to everyone and is going to go through this huge change, this is going to be so hard for him.
I really wanted to send him/her a message to say congratulations and that I'm here for support.
But should I?
I just don't know if he'd appreciate it or is done.  I've only seen him/her once in the past two years and it was awkward, but I feel like now, maybe it wouldn't be?  Maybe it's just not my place anymore seeing as we didn't stay friends...

Let me know your opinion in the comments :)
And if you've ever ran into an old crush, please say you were more charming than I was.

Happy two days before Christmas!

Monday, December 22, 2014

It's Christmas Week!

Happy Monday!
In all honesty, I hate Mondays. But, it's Christmas week!
Unfortunately I am still feeling poorly and have been doing everything I can to make myself better.
I have two days of work left before some, very needed, days off begin.
I still feel like I'm missing something though.  I wandered the mall twice this past weekend and nothing was coming to me.

I was thinking this morning about how easier Christmas was as a kid.
You didn't do any of the shopping, unless you were like my parents and would give us about ten to twenty dollars and take us to shop for the other parent.

As a kid you didn't have to worry about going back to work the next day.  You could be in your pajamas until supper and play with your new toys all day. Don't forget that lunch would consist of chocolate.

Now Christmas for me is busy.
I still get up early on Christmas day, but then I have breakfast and presents with the Boyfriend's family and then be at my parent's house for nine and do the same there (yes, two breakfasts!) Usually I'll hang out at my house for the majority of the day, get ready and all that jazz.  Then I'll go to Boyfriend's try to have a nap and fail, by four o'clock I need to be at my parent's to help finish with dinner which runs until about 7pm and then back to the Boyfriend's for wine and more fun.
Don't get me wrong, I love it all but it's exhausting.

Sometimes I just wish I could be a kid again.
I remember my parents stressing out up until Christmas Day, and then Christmas day was just perfect.

What do you remember about Christmas as a kid?

Happy Monday

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Sick at Christmas

Hello Lovelies!
Can you believe it's the 20th?
I apologize for not blogging yesterday!
I ended up working a bit further away and when I got home I just felt like the pits.  I've come down with yet another cold.  I sound like a young boy going through puberty at the moment.

It's Saturday night which means I'm laying in bed with either a glass of wine or a cider (tonight I chose cider). I also decided to finally watch "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".  I still have an hour left...Holy crap, it just got to a part about some DNA and the spiders (if you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about) I kept my face and took a picture:
Haha, it's such a bad one. I should make this a tradition, my Saturday night no make up, drinking wine face.

I have two presents left to wrap yet I still feel like I'm missing something.
Are you done shopping/wrapping?
I think I need one more stocking stuffer for Boyfriend, which will be jelly beans as he keeps talking about them and I feel like he needs a WOW present. He keeps buying himself stuff (just like me) so I might just buy him a nice hoody.

 I have had an online shopping habit lately.
I'm really loving BooHoo & Forever21, has anyone ever bought anything from lookbook?
I keep seeing their stuff on instagram, but I'm weary.

This was going to be a wishlist, but that will have to wait another day as I'm having a coughing fit.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

One More Week

Hello Loves!
Sorry I have not kept my blogging schedule this week and I've also failed on my gift guide.
I've done this in the past too. Start a gift guide and forget to finish because I've wrapped the presents.
And the big day is in a week, so a gift guide is probably useless at this point.

The reasons I haven't posted this week?
-I had a cold last week and finally got over it on Monday.
-Monday I worked a later shift and didn't get home until supper time.
-Wednesday was my day off and I really planned to blog but I had a car appointment, and was just trying to catch up on life in general (which is hard to do in one day) Then last night I had one of the worst stomach aches I've had in a long time and it's still a bit sore this morning.

After today I might try to post every day until Christmas, but no promises.
I really need to start setting aside a few hours to my blog on my blogging days.

Excuse me while I roll around in pain for a moment.

So, are you ready for Christmas?
I have to admit that I've been picking up last minute things week and it stresses me out.
The mall is so busy and I hate to shop alone, I tried to find Boyfriend a WOW gift and just couldn't find it so he's getting lots of practical things. My Mom said that I shopped for him like a Mom.

Anyways, I will possibly talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

(Two) New Kids on the Block

Good morning!
So it looks like there are two new kids on the block.
From Tarte Cosmetics the Tartelette Amazonian Clay Matte Eyeshadow Palette.
$53 Canadian at Sephora for VIB and VIB Rouge members.

TooFaced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar Palette. $59 Canadian at Sephora for VIB and VIB Rouge members.

Which one will you be getting or will you be waiting for other Spring palettes to arrive?
I'm leaning towards the Tarte one at the moment, but I'm still unsure.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Don't Like Mondays

I am going to be honest with you.
I am not quite ready for this Monday blog.
Usually I prepare the night before, have it written out and photos ready.
Last night I think I watched a movie and passed out at 9.

And this is what I look like right now:

Wine and chips in hand.
I started out with a bad day that just kept getting worse.
Plus I'm starting to get sick.

Do you have those work days where it feels like nothing goes your way?
I had a whole week like that and it's followed me to this week.

I got home tonight and my boyfriend's mom had a glass a wine ready for me. So I got into my pajamas, settled in to bed with a glass of wine and a movie.

I don't like Mondays.

What do you do to de-stress?
I promise to be more prepared next time!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Gift Ideas for...

Your Sister In-Law!
This year I have a new Sister In-law, which means I get to buy lots of girly gifts!
While most of these are stocking stuffer type gifts, I prefer to fill a box with smaller things than buy one big gift.
[Tarte Best in Faux Lash Extending Fibers/Bioderma Sensibio/L.A. Girl Glazed Lip Paint in "Pinup"/Philosophy hand cream in "Cranberry Medley"/Philosophy Purity Made Simple Cleanser]

I'm thinking I want to get her one more thing, so maybe a hair product or a fancy pen that I saw at Chapters, I'm not quite sure yet. Suggestions are welcome :)

How far along are you on you Christmas shopping?
More gift ideas to come!
Have a great week!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Last Month

Good morning Lovelies!
It's the last month of the year! Can you believe it?
There a quite a few Christmas themed things I have planned for the blog this month and I hope to get some videos up on my youtube channel as well.

Unfortunately I will not be participating in Vlogmas, but I hope to do a weekly vlog (we'll see how that works out...)

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
My family's has changed over the years.
We used to religiously go to Pizza Hut on Christmas Eve, but they started closing earlier each year (can you blame them?) or my Mom has been working later.
Now Boyfriend and I tend to hang out with his family on Christmas Eve and then go visit mine for a couple hours and then we go back home and relax for the night.

We're usually the first to wake up and we'll just snuggle in bed and be so excited to start the day.
Last year we were awake at four am, and played Foosball until everyone else woke up.

This year will be a little bit different as someone has to work on Christmas Day, so we'll get two days of Christmas!

Have you finished or even started shopping yet?
I've been picking things up here and there, unfortunately I've bought more for myself, again.
I do this every year. It's such an awful habit....but there are so many deals!

I hope to do a gift guide soon, once I have more shopping done.

Before I head off to get ready for work, quick question: Which advent calendar is your favorite?

Have lovely a Monday and we'll talk again on Wednesday!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Bonus Friday Post

Well Lovelies,
I guess it's officially Christmas time once it's Black Friday isn't it?
I live in Canada and for whatever reason we have joined in on the Black Friday craze and most places have even started their deals on Thursday now!

I apologize for not posting on Wednesday as I usually do.
This week has not been for me.

Sunday I had a break down as am I getting burnt out.
I work as a casual but my schedule is usually full Monday to Saturday.
My days off are scattered which is fine for a little while, but then I started to realize "I'm not getting anything accomplished on my days off".
I spend my days off relaxing, having "me-time" or hanging out with my mom.

Monday and Tuesday, I worked at a crazy busy lab and it's not a lab I like going to because the drive freaks me out.  Do you have roads you just don't like to drive?

Wednesday I was supposed to have a short day but ended up having to go to a meeting and while that wasn't difficult, I was tired.

It's Friday now. It's 6am, I don't start until 8, but I've been up since 1:30am.

Last night I was anxious, which is even more exhausting.

This isn't supposed to be a post where I whine, I apologize if it comes across this way.
Basically I'm trying to explain my schedule to you and talk about burn out.

Have you ever suffered from burn out before?
I have and I don't know what to do to stop it from happening.

If anyone has suggestions please leave them in the comments!

I have things I do to relax, but how do I actually prevent burn out?

It's time for me to load up on coffee, head to work and then hopefully catch a few sales later today!

Have a fun and safe Black Friday!

Monday, November 24, 2014

The 'Me Time' Tag!

Happy Monday!
Honestly? I hate Mondays.  They mean getting up early, going to work and coming home tired.
At the end of a long day there are things I like to do to unwind, so why not share them through a tag?

What do you watch or read during me-time?
I love watching "Gilmore Girls" to unwind. I'm scared my dvds are going to burn out by how much I watch this show.
I'm currently reading "Let it Snow" by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle, it's a light Christmas-y read!

What do you wear during me-time? 
My polka dot pajama pants and a cozy sweater.

What are your me-time beauty products?
I love face masks. Currently I've been into Lush's Magnaminty. My skin is so soft after using this! And sometimes I'll give myself a pedicure, I currently have Essie's "Tuck in my Tux" on my toes.

Current favourite nail polish? 
Whoops! I answered this above. Essie's "Tuck in my Tux", it's from the 2014 Winter collection.

What do you eat/drink during me-time? 
I like to have popcorn as a bedtime snack and Boyfriend I have been drinking David's Tea "Earl's Garden" tea which is just an Earl Grey tea.

Current favourite candle?
This is the hardest question as I absolutely love candles (that's a Pisces for you). I'm going to go with Bath & Body Works Warm Sugar Vanilla three wick candle.  It just relaxes me and smells so good.

Do you ever have outdoor me-time? 
I used to go running as a stress reliever, but I've been slacking in that department so no outdoor me-time for me.

Would you ever go see a movie alone? 
Of course! I've done it twice and had the best time. The movies were "Whip It" and "The Vow", in case you were wondering. And I saw "The Vow" on Valentine's Day to top it off!

Favourite online shop?
Well, I do love shopping on Sephora's site, it's a nice way to unwind.

Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time? 
Watch youtube videos, read blogs and watch Boyfriend play video games.

I hope you have a super Monday and I'll talk to you again on Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Trying Out New Products #1

Hello Everybody!

For the past couple months to even just a few days ago I have been trying a few new products and I thought that I would share.
[Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E Strong Roots spray/Tony Moly Appletox/Bioderma H20/L'oreal Magic Lumi Primer/Olay Regenerist Serum]
Palmer's Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E Strong Roots spray- This spray claims to stimulate the scalp and promote healthy hair growth and create a "cooling sensation" to sooth dryness or itch.
I take it that you're supposed to spray this on to your hair after you shower, but after reading other people's reviews you can do it dry (but it does make your hair feel a bit sticky and like you have hairspray in it).
The smell is coconut with a eucalyptus and peppermint. I notice the coconut right away and only smell hints of peppermint, so I don't find it overpowering.
I tend to suffer with psoriasis on my scalp and while it hasn't acted up in two years, I figure this would be something new to try for my itchy scalp. I've been using it every 2 days and I notice that it does have a soothing sensation so that's a plus. But I will have to wait a few months before seeing any hair growth.

Tony Moly Appletox- I am quite in love with this so far. So basically you rub this cream all over your face, massaging it in, and after a few minutes dead skin should start to rub off (like those little eraser bits). Once you feel like you have no cream left to rub in you can rinse it off with warm water. Oh my gosh, my skin was so soft after this! I would probably only use it once or twice a week.

Bioderma H20- This is a cleansing water. It's supposed to remove all make up and reveal clean skin. This works really well, but I find that it leaves a big raccoon eyed mess with my makeup unlike some eye makeup removers I've used. So I don't know if I'll be repurchasing. One this I did like was that it didn't irritate my eyes or my skin.

L'oreal Magic Lumi Primer- This declares it is a "light infusing primer". You can mix it with foundation or BB cream, wear it under your make up or use it as a highlighter. I've been loving this to give myself a glow and wear it under my make up, I use a BB cream and find it gives a natural, healthy glow. There are times when I forget to put this on first and I end up using it as a highlighter and I find that works just as nice.  It's not oily or sticky feeling, it blends into the skin rather well and I highly recommend this.

Olay Regenerist Serum- This is supposed to improve wrinkles in 2 weeks.  I am really not sure about this product. I love how it feels, it doesn't sit heavy on my skin, it's fragrance free, the bottle/pump is so easy to use and the 50mls has lasted me about 3 months so far.
But have I seen improvements?
I'm going to be honest.  I've noticed the wrinkles around my eyes and mouth a lot more lately and after I'm done this bottle I'm going to try something new and if that doesn't work, I might come back to this just because I love how it feels. It's a staple in my everyday routine, but I just don't think it does anything.
Maybe my skin isn't old enough?

[L'oreal Super Slim 12hr liner/Tarte Lights,Camera Lashes Mascara/Anastasia Brow Wiz (Chocolate)/Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler/Benefit Cosmetics Cheeky Sweet Box O' Blushes]

L'oreal Super Slim 12hr liner- I was looking for a dupe for the Stila Stay All Day Liner, I think this is it.  I don't know what else to say, because I just think it's a very good dupe.  I need to get more use out of it to be 100% positive, but it's looking good.

Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes Mascara- This was the first Tarte product I ever bought and tried.  I want to try more!  I love this mascara. The length and separation is amazing, but natural looking. I did find that I had black smudges under my eyes at the end of the day, so it's not one I wear to work, but for the weekend when I can do touch ups if I have to, this is on my lashes.

Anastasia Brow Wiz in Chocolate- This is my first time owning this product and I don't know if I can ever switch to another brow product again, besides maybe trying out the pomade.  I used to use Benefit's Gimme Brow and E.L.F.'s brow kit. I think the brow wiz is my favorite, I find you get a lot more precision and a more natural looking brow.  I might try the brow wiz in brunette next time though. Thumbs up for the brow wiz!

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler- Another win here. I only bought this because I felt my eyelash curlers weren't doing a thing. So Boyfriend and I went to Sephora. I had two different Shu Uemura curlers in my hand, Boyfriend asked a salesperson which was better and this is the one I ended up with. Holy amazing. I didn't realize that's how curled lashes are supposed to look. It was a pricey purchase but worth every penny in my eyes.

Benefit Cosmetics Cheeky Sweet Box O' Blushes- I've owned this for about a month, I think.  I've never owned a Benefit blush before, but I've heard very good things. First off, these smell so good.  This set comes with Dandelion, Sugarbomb, Hoola, Coralista, Rockateur, Bellabamba and a mini Watts Up!.  My favorites are Dandelion, Rockateur and Watts Up!  I haven't played with the bronzer Hoola too much yet, but it's supposed to be the best there is.  Definitely a good little set if you're just being introduced to makeup or even Benefit products.

I hope the rest of your week goes well and talk to you soon!

-The Quiet Brunette

All these products were purchased by me and all reviews are my own unsponsored opinions.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Pinning Makeup

Does anyone remember when Pinterest first came out that you had to sign up to be invited to join? Do they still do that? I don't know.
But I used to be an avid Pinterester? Pinner? I'm not sure what the correct term is, but I used to live on that site.
I still use it, a lot, just not quite as often.
But for today's post I thought I would share some of my favorite makeup looks that I've pinned over the years.

I think this one would be great for a holiday party.
This could go on and on.
Feel free to check out my pinterest page and if leave your link in the comments :)
Enjoy your week, I'll be back on Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Christmas Tag

Hello Lovelies!
I found "The Christmas Tag" over at MakeupSavvy. I've been reading their blog a lot lately and you should check it out if you're into that sort of thing :)

Moving on, did you ever do those surveys when you were younger? The ones you got through msn or hotmail and then you pass them on to your friends and even write hints about your crush in them and send them to him....Or was that just me?

So I have decided when I am uninspired to blog, I will do these surveys...I guess they're called tags no, so you (the reader) can get to know me better. Feel free to share your answers to the questions in the comments or a link to your blog would be lovely as well!

Here we go...
Actually before I start let me just say that I've scoured my computer for old Christmas photos and can't find any, then I realized I didn't get my camera until last Christmas, so I apologize for no visual effects.

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

1. What is your favorite Christmas movie/s?
 I'm glad this question wasn't what are your favorite Christmas specials, because I love anything Christmas themed.
As for movies I love the first two Home Alone movies and I have a deep love for A Miracle on 34th Street with Mara Wilson (I actually just watched this a couple days ago). The house at the end of the movie (insert me sighing loudly here), I've wanted it since I was a little girl.

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
 I think I've only ever once opened a present on Christmas Eve and that was when my boyfriend and I first started dating. But other than that one time, it's always Christmas morning. At his house it's after breakfast and at my parent's it's before breakfast.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?
I can't remember much, but this one time sticks out in my head. My Grandfather had shown up Christmas morning and I knew there were presents and I was eying up the stockings but I had to wait. We have the Disney parade on tv every Christmas morning and I was probably 6 or 7 playing it cool sitting on the couch pretending I didn't notice any presents and was so involved with the parade.

4. Favorite festive food?
 Christmas cookies! You know the ones that come in tins? Any of those will do.

5. Favorite Christmas gift?
I'm quite happy with last year's gift of my camera or the Prada Candy perfume boyfriend bought me.
My Magic Potty Baby from when I was a kid sticks out the most though. I wanted it so bad (what kind of kid wants a baby that comes with a toilet and pees all the time? I'm not sure)

6. Favorite Christmas scent?
I have a few.
Breakfast on Christmas morning, the smell of a fresh Christmas tree once it's inside the house and the crisp, cold air.

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
Usually dinner with my family. For the longest time we would go to Pizza Hut and as we've gotten older and people work later hours than the restaurant was open for it was harder to do. So lately we've been getting pizza or a subway platter to our house.

8. What tops your tree?
An angel has topped the tree at my parents house for as long as I can remember.  One day when I have my own tree I think maybe a T-rex will top it :)

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? - See more at:

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received? - See more at:
9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) you always asked for and never received?
Either one of those life sized dolls or the Barbie jeep that you could drive.

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
I love having two families to spend Christmas with and I hope one day we'll have a place big enough for everyone.  Christmas Eve is so much fun, we eat with my parents and brothers and then stay up late at my boyfriend's parents having wine and appetizers.  And then going to bed just us and we're so excited for people to open their gifts...I get excited just thinking about it.

Have a wonderful week!
Let me know your answers below or leave a link to your blog :)

1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Sephora VIB Sale!

Today is the start of the Sephora VIB/VIB Rouge sale and I've been up since 5am trying to check out.
I finally narrowed down my cart to my most wanted items and clicked the checkout button.
International check out is down.
So at the moment I'm hoping it starts working later this evening or that the things I wanted don't sell out once it's up and running.

But I thought I'd share my wish list for now and later I'll do a little haul...if it works.

-Glamglow gift set. I can't justify paying $69 for the glamglow mask, but it feels a bit better getting three masks at $76 and 20% off, so we'll see.
-TooFaced chocolate bar palette.
-Stila Eyes Are the Window palette in soul
-Sephora All a Glow brush set
-Bite Beauty lip mask
-Hourglass Ambient Lighting palette. Like the masks it's hard to justify this kind of purchase.
-Anastasia Beverly Hills Dip brow
-TooFaced Everything Nice set

What's your wishlist or what did you get from the sale?

Here's hoping it's up and running soon!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Another Anxiety Post

Hello Lovelies!

Today I bring to you a post about my anxiety.

Lots of people have anxiety and I never really understood what it was all about until a few years ago.
But last year my Mom and I sat in the doctors office twice trying to figure out what was wrong with me and I was so frustrated because I didn't understand that I would burst into tears each time and the doctor would refer me to a therapist or prescribe me pills.
Finally a different doctor had me do a depression/anxiety quiz and finally said you have generalized anxiety disorder.

My anxiety does not have a trigger most of the time, it just happens.
I can have weeks where I'm really anxious and weeks that I'm carefree and happy.
Lately my social anxiety has been worse.

I went to the mall by myself last week, something that I don't do too often anymore, to try to find a gift. I walked in and my chest tightened, I was feeling warm....I walked into a store, spent less than five minutes in it and walked out. I went into another store and I was so overwhelmed that I practically ran out, went straight to my car and drove home.
I didn't realize it had gotten so bad.

This morning I am quite anxious about going to work and I have a social job, so that's not really the best thing to be feeling on a Monday morning.

When I have anxiety for no reason I tend to calm myself down by watching youtube videos or watching a movie, but I have yet to discover a way to handle social anxiety without having Boyfriend around.

Do you have any tips for handling anxiety?

Have a fantastic Monday and hopefully I'll be posting more this week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thanksgiving Weekend

I've decided I need to buy a notebook.
I come up with my best blog ideas at night and come morning I can't remember any of them. Not even after a cup of coffee.

How was your Thanksgiving?
Mine were good, as there were three and a fourth to come next weekend. Needless to say, I'll be sick of turkey.

Fall is in full swing here. I have candles burning, the weather is stormy and my new uniform has been sweaters and pajama pants.
Saturday I worked a half day at work then rushed to the ferry for Thanksgiving #1 at some friend's house.
It's always so gorgeous and cozy on the island.
Sunday was Thanksgiving #2 at my parents house. I made a pumpkin pie (the pie plate was a gift from last Christmas...but I do know it's from Pottery Barn).

Monday was Thanksgiving #3 at boyfriend's house and I made another pumpkin pie.
It was a busy weekend and I was thankful to have Tuesday off to relax a bit, even if I was up at 4am.

I've been posting quite a few videos on my youtube channel if you feel like checking that out.
I'm still shy about it, so I recommend turning up the volume if you decide to watch.

Have a lovely rest of your week!
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Getting Lost

Hello Lovelies!
I hope your October is off to a wonderful start!  The weather here in B.C. has been absolutely amazing lately, therefore we had to take advantage of it of course.

This past weekend, while I did have to work, was one for the books.
Boyfriend and I headed out to a local farm and tackled the corn maze, while I can't say we were successful at finding all the check points as after an hour the heat was too much, we had a blast.
We even came home with a giant pumpkin from the pumpkin patch!

What Fall things have you gotten up to?
Enjoy your week!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

A Beautiful Weekend

Hello Lovelies!
Sorry for being a piss poor blogger.

It's awfully hard to work full time, blog, unwind and go out and about.
So I've decided to vlog on the weekends (I'll shamelessly promote my youtube channel at some point), Saturdays or Sundays and possibly a day throughout the week if I get one off.
As for other videos, there's no way for me to plan a schedule for that at the moment as I have no time for it.  That makes me sad, I have fun filming and editing but there's just no extra time.
I get home from work between four and five thirty (on good days) and then there's the matter of showering, making lunch, visiting family etc. By then it's seven o'clock and I'm ready for bed.

But I didn't come on here to make excuses or complain (which I just did both in the above paragraph).
Today has been wonderful, last weekend was too!
Last weekend I was quite the little shopper:

That shopping trip was a big deal, I don't normally buy that much at once. Think of the savings!

So far this Saturday we have been up at the ungodly hour of 7am (that's unheard of from me on a day off) and by nine we were out the door headed to the Farmer's Market a couple towns over.
It is my favorite market on the island and I go there specifically for coffee beans.
It is the best coffee I have ever tasted (so far) and if you live in British Columbia, I'm sure I could give you the details on where to find it.
We also bought our favorite jalapeno cheese sourdough bread, and a new try of bacon chive sourdough bread (amazing!)

Nathan found a beeswax candle shaped like a pine cone and it smells wonderful. I wish I had pictures of everything to show you!  Then tried a vendor's pulled pork sandwich and some bought some venison jerky from another.
Next time I will remember bags and hopefully buy some fresh vegetables and my favorite almond croissant that I decided against today as I already had a croissant for breakfast.

Good thing I took a picture of the concord grapes because they're all gone now :)
Enjoy the weekend and I hope wherever you live it's as nice as it has been here!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Morning

I know, I know I've been a terrible blogger lately.
I really did have a good Friday Five lined up (I'll save it for this week) but I ended up working Monday to Friday and in the evening I had no brain power to blog.
But I have ideas and I've been vlogging this weekend so we'll see if I find time to edit that.

I'm finding it quite difficult to blog/vlog while working full time. I can see how being a blogger could be a full time job.

I have lots to share soon! I'm quite excited about it.
I have an Autumn Lookbook in the works [Oh my gosh, if anyone watches "Witches of East End" let's talk about this latest episode. I'm just watching the end now.]

The leaves have finally started to change color around here, usually it happens at the end of August but it was definitely late this year. I'm hoping to hit up my favorite farmers market soon, the corn maze will be starting up and definitely everything pumpkin and apple flavored will be baked.

I recently showed some of my Fall decor and well....I bought more candles and found more stored in my closet (video to be posted soon)

Just thought I would do a quick I am still here, I promise! I've just been busy post.

Have a lovely week and talk to you soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Card Making!

Oh boy!
I've been busy!
Work and sleep are taking up a lot of my time lately and I started working on my youtube channel again and Boyfriend agreed it would be a good hobby for me as I love to edit videos.

It's still Summer-like here, unlike Alberta (where there is snow!) but last night I went to a Stampin' Up party where I looked at a holiday catalog and made a Christmas card. It's making me want Fall weather.

Happy Wednesday! Enjoy the rest of the week and we'll see you on Friday loves.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I'm going to be honest with you.
I don't feel like an adult and there is never really a time I feel like an adult.
I'm twenty six now.
When I was younger (we're talking around 12 years old here) 26 sounded so old.
Twenty six sounded like a married person with a house, kids and a career.
I have the (for now) career. I saw for now because it's something I enjoy, can see myself doing for awhile and it pays well.
So  maybe one day when I have my house, and I'm settled down I'll pursue my passion..not entirely sure what that is yet.

What sparked all this was an article I read. It was about what it's like to be in your twenties, and how you can have a career now but you don't need to do it for the rest of your life.

I need to keep reminding myself of this and keep discovering myself and find something I really, really love to do.

What's your passion? Are you following your dream career?

Happy Hump Day!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Five (5)-Youtube

I watch youtube every morning while I eat breakfast and sometimes to wind down in the evening. So I thought I'd share five of my favorite youtubers.

1. Zoella! I think I've watched all her videos now, some of them more than once, like this one:

2. Meg from Ciaoobellaxo.

3. A fellow Canadian- Rachhloves

4. Gabby


There are many more but I find myself always checking for new videos from these five.
Who are  your favorite youtubers?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Fall Decorating

Well folks, Fall is less than a month away now and September is in 3 days.
So in anticipation for Fall I'm reorganizing and decorating!
 This is all the Fall stuff I've collected over the past year. And there's more in boxes but that's mostly baking things.
 Starting from the left is a candy corn candle I got from Pier One, they're only a buck so I need to get more. It's probably the best smelling candle. In the back is a vase that I filled with plastic fall jewels from Michaels and then just some fake leave tucked in there. And an owl candle I found at HomeSense that I don't want to burn.
 A few Bath and Body Works candles from a sale they had this summer, Autumn Day, Harvest Coffee and Pumpkin Cupcake.
 This wooden pumpkin is from Michaels and the candle beside it is vanilla and it's from Homesense.
 Here's a close up of the little pumpkin charm on the vanilla candle. I want to make a necklace out of it.
 Some more Bath & Body Works candles (Pumpkin Apple, Farmstand Apple and a mini Autumn Day), the mini pumpkin candle holder is also from there.

I'm in the middle of trying to make some artwork for Fall but it's not going so well, so I'm sure I'll be making another trip to Michaels soon.

While all this has been going on I've been playing movies and tv shows that remind me of Fall like "Hocus Pocus", "Gilmore Girls" and "You've Got Mail".

I'm still working on tomorrows five but there will be one.
Enjoy the long weekend!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Little Catching Up

I missed this Friday Five, next week's will be special then.  Somehow.
It's been a stressful week.
I had to do some travel for work which makes for long days, my boyfriend and I each had a family member in the hospital, and my brother's place was broken in to.
And I'm generally just an anxious person, so there's that too.

I really wish I had more exciting things to share.
Boyfriend and I only get one day together and we don't do too much.
Our Sundays consist of me sleeping in, then maybe wandering the mall, and then we tend to lay in bed the rest of the day.
Today was more exciting though but I am exhausted now.
Boyfriend and I went to the diner to have breakfast, then his mom and I shopped for home decor/Fall stuff.
I only bought some stamps from Michaels, as I've been Fall shopping for a couple weeks now.

On my day off I'll try to get a haul post done.

I'd really like to start working out again, but I am so pooped lately.
I did find out my thyroid medication was a little too high, so that could be the reason for the no energy and more anxious than usual feeling.

Well, as the leaves start changing and the cooler air begins to take over I'm sure you'll see more pictures from me.
I just love Autumn.

Have a lovely week!