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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wow, 2015, Wow

Wow, what a year!
While there were a lot of downs this year, a lot happened in 2015 and it was just an incredible year!

First off, I am now engaged and it's so overwhelming and exciting. I can't plan a thing yet, we're too excited.
Boyfriend and I also moved into our first place together earlier in the year, but I think the engagement thing kind of overshadows this one.

We also decided to drive to California and go to Disneyland!  What an amazing trip that was.
It was my boyfriend fiancee's (I'm going to have to get used to that!) first time going there and he loved it.
We had amazing Fall but that came with some down moments for me which I have, thankfully, overcome now. 
We stayed at a beautiful resort up island for my fiancee's birthday. An hour and half of eating and a dip in a mineral pool? I'm up for that anytime.
A little girl entered my life, thanks to my brother and sister-in-law.
And I am just so excited to get to know her more and watch her grow up!

I feel like much more happened this year but these were the highlights.

How did this past year treat you?
Let me know in the comments!
Have a fun, healthy, happy, and safe New Year!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I'm very proud of myself you know.
I didn't delete my last post.  I did think about it though, many times.
And then, I realized that no one reads my blogs and if they did it's for me.
It's for me to express myself and if someone judges the way I feel, well then boo hoo.

I hope that one day someone will read my blogs about anxiety and depression and maybe it will help them but for now it's just a way for me to express myself.

Okay, end of that.

Who is excited for Christmas?!

I am getting super duper excited.
It snowed yesterday.  The rain melted it away overnight, but it still SNOWED!!

What makes Christmas feel like Christmas to you?

I have a list *insert smug face here* as I always have a list.

-Sitting around the table with my side of the family and my brother's significant others, but that's not it, there needs to be banter and weird discussions happening. That's my family

-Staying up really late on Christmas eve with my boyfriend's family (weird conversations ensue here as well, really weird)

-Stuffing.  Yep, that's enough for me for it to feel like a holiday.

-"Merry Christmas Everyone" by Shakin' Stevens.  It just gets you feeling all those Christmas feels!

-Candles, especially 'Winter' by Bath & Body Works

-Wrapping while watching a Christmas movie.  Yesterday it had just started flurry-ing? and I was wrapping and watching a Christmas movie before work. . .it was perfect, except for the going to work part...

-A couple years back everyone was instructed to say "Happy Holidays" and everyone I knew thought it was silly that "Merry Christmas" wasn't politically correct anymore.  Well "Merry Christmas" is back!  The amount of patients that have said it to me is out weighing the ones who don't and that makes me feel very festive and cheery!

So tell me, what makes it feel like Christmas to you?

And, Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 14, 2015

The Darkness

I suffer from some mental health issues.

There I said it.
Yet, why is it so hard to admit to myself?

I've been dealing with a lot lately and it's not my home life, work, relationships etc.
It's this nattering voice in my head, which sounds crazy I know.

My mom says I've suffered with anxiety since I was young, we're talking about age 6 here, when I used to be bullied.
I never really knew what it was up until 3 years ago.

I have suffered with depression off and on for 12 years.

I have no problem admitting my anxiety, even if it's over something which may be "normal", but depression I can't cope with.

I have been feeling off for the past four months.  I didn't really think anything of it until the last 2 weeks when my usual symptoms started happening, when I know it's really bad.

I broke down on the weekend.  Twice.
After being super rude to my boyfriend and upsetting him he left and I bawled in bed.  It's an angry cry where the sounds I make sound like an animal in pain and I was in pain just emotionally.
Later that evening he confronted me. "Do you still love me?" he asked.
That broke my heart and I just fell apart.

My body becomes rigid, I can't see anything because the tears won't stop flowing, I have trouble breathing but all I want to do is run.
"Don't. Let me go," I said when he tried to hold me.
I was ready to run, knowing that would only hurt him more.
But he held tight.
"What's going on?"
"I can't say."
"Why not?"
"I just can't."

It is so hard for me admit that I suffer with depression.
It's not that fact that I'm telling someone else, it's saying it out loud, admitting it to myself.

After I said it, I just collapsed into more tears.
I felt broken.
I haven't felt that broken in almost 4 years.

We talked and have some goals set.
It's going to be hard.
I already got out of it today but tomorrow we will start going to the gym together after work.

I have a bad habit of coming home, planting my butt in front of youtube and staying there for 3 hours.

We have started making healthier dinners and I even took a proper lunch to work today (when I get depressed I skip out on proper meals if any at all).

I don't know where I went, I just feel so lost lately.
And I know it's not my thyroid disorder this time, it just feels different.

So here's to a healthier, happier me!

Any tips that you have to beat the blues are very welcomed!
Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas Music 2015

Hello All!
I feel like my Dad is the one who really turned me on to Christmas music as it was constantly playing this time of year when I was a kid.  We had the classic Burl Ives to the Chipmunks to Porky Pig's "Blue Christmas".

So naturally I start playing Christmas tunes in November.
Here are the ones I never tire of:

1. "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" by Michael Buble
2. "Cold December Night" by Michael Buble
3. "Underneath the Tree" by Kelly Clarkson
4. "Mistletoe" by Colbie Caillat
5. "All My Bells are Ringing" by Lenka
6. "Christmas All Over Again" by Tom Petty
7. "Cool Yule" by Louis Armstrong
8. "Merry Christmas Baby" by Hanson
9. "Maybe This Christmas" by Ron Sexsmith
10. "Baby It's Cold Outside" by Zooey Deschanel

It's a pretty modern list now and The O.C. Christmukkah episodes have had a lot of influence.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Christmas Tag

It's December!
Can you believe it?

I started my advent calendar a day late because I didn't realize it was December.
Time goes by way to fast. . .

How is your Christmas shopping going? or are you a last minute shopper?
I am about 85% done and have been for awhile (so proud of myself).

I have some Christmas posts planned but I am honestly waiting for my Black Friday purchase to arrive. I splurged and bought a new laptop, it's going to be my blogging/picture/video laptop...or so I say so far.

So stay tuned for hopefully an endless supply of content coming up!

This is just going to be a quick Christmas list today, enjoy!

Favorite Christmas Song: "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)"-Michael Buble
Favorite Christmas Movie: (this is tough as I love so many) "12 Date of Christmas" or "The Family Stone" and of course the classics like "Elf" and "Home Alone" oh and "The Santa Clause"!
Who is the easiest to buy for? My boyfriend or Sister-in-Law
Favorite Christmas Treat: Any kind of pie or sugar cookies
Favorite Christmas Dinner Food: Stuffing or mashed potatoes
Fake or real tree? Real
When do you get/put up your tree? I think we buy our tree during the second week of December, but it'll be my first year getting my own tree
Favorite Christmas Event: One town over there is the most spectacular light up, parade and fireworks and I've gone every year since I was a baby
Which TV special do you look forward to the most? Charlie Brown
Favorite Candle: I love the winter scent by Bath & Body Works but I've really been enjoying wood wick candles as they sound like you have a fire going & I don't have a fireplace so it's perfect.
Any Christmas traditions? Well, we used to drive around and look at Christmas lights with my family until I was about 21/22. Now it's Christmas Eve at Boyfriend's parents & Christmas Day at my parent's house. And my own little tradition is that I like to watch all the Christmas episodes of Full House and I start re-watching all the seasons of The O.C.

Feel free to copy and repost with your answers! I loved to read them.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Sometimes You Just Need To Write

I'd like to start this post as if we're already in the middle of a conversation. . .

I suck at posting blogs and videos.
Why can't I just commit?
It's something I enjoy doing and I find it relaxing.  I should really be putting at least an hour aside a few times a week to do it.

I'm going to go ahead and make excuses again.
I work 5 days a week, full time hours and I never know when I'll get home.  Lately it takes me 30mins to an hour and a half to get home, depending on which site I'm working at.
So I am tired when I get home. 

Tonight I am just exhausted and I still have two days to go and then one day off.
Does it make sense why I don't post as often as I'd like to?
I get home, I clean, I sometimes cook and then of course I need at least an hour to do nothing and then there's groceries and visiting my parents/brothers.  Mostly I try to make sure to spend time with my man because if I don't I get bummed out.  It doesn't have to be anything exciting, like right now he's playing Fall Out 4 and I'm on the couch next to him writing this post.

I feel like this post is all over the place, but maybe that's what I need.

Question, are you decorated for Christmas?
It's funny, where I live we started seeing Christmas in the stores in September. Then November 1st everything was Christmas.  Last weekend we went to the mall and everything was decked out.  It seems early but I was pretty excited and really it's just over a month away.
I think I'm going to decorate this upcoming week and then get our Christmas tree in two weeks.  It'll be our first Christmas tree and our first tree in our little suite! 

That's all for today, like I said I'm tired (it's only 9pm) and I'm going to head to bed.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Exciting News!

Happy Tuesday?!
We made it past Monday, yay!!

This is just a short and sweet post to announce that yesterday morning at 1:52am my niece was born!

Talk to you in a couple days!
I hope to have some Fall posts and videos up soon :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Five Things From Vacation

Hello Lovelies!
I am back from vacation and while I'm loving the Autumn weather that is happening here I am not happy to be back to reality.

Boyfriend and I both got used to the California heat and as soon as we made it back up to Washington we were freezing.

I don't know if I mentioned it or not but we drove to California.
We learned some things on our journey:

1. Next time we want to go to Southern California we'll fly.
2. Boyfriend enjoyed his first vacation and wants to go on more. AND he loved Disneyland.

4. Seeing a Tapir in real life was just as exciting as we thought it would be.

5. Fireworks in front of the castle is one of the most magical things I have ever experienced.

Goodbye Summer! You will be missed but thank you for hanging around so long this year :)

What are your Summer highlights?

Friday, August 28, 2015

The Next Eleven Days

Hello Lovelies!
I have been a terrible blogger/vlogger lately.
For whatever reason my video won't load into my editing program so I'll have to figure that out next week as I am on vacation at 1:30 today.

This week has been very....hmm, I've just been running around a lot this week trying to get ready for our vacation.

Tomorrow we leave at 3am for Oregon!
Sunday we should arrive in Anaheim.

I might blog in the evening if I'm not too zonked and expect some vlogs and possibly a haul on my youtube channel when I get back!

Have a great weekend and see you when I get back!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

What's On Television?

Hey Guys,

Enjoy this picture of a new cute puppy:

What is everyone watching on television nowadays? Or does everyone just watch Netflix?

I don't have cable, so I'm curious.

I might get cable when the Fall premiers begin...
Mostly for American Horror Story.

It seems like every show I like gets cancelled.
Last year I was really into "Witches of East End" but it didn't last long.

As for current tv I really enjoy watching "Chasing Life" and "Border Security" when I can.

Other than that, I live off of Netflix.

This Summer I've had marathons of "House" and "The Secret Life of the American Teenager".  I can always watch "Gilmore Girls" but I prefer watching it during Autumn the best along with "Gossip Girl".  I watched "Gossip Girl" back in the day and only make it to the third season, right now I'm on season 5 and am so excited to see the end!
But I did ruin it for myself and read spoilers...
My boyfriend and I also got into "Wet, Hot, American Summer:First Day of Camp". Pfffft!

As for movies?
"How to Train Your Dragon", "Shrek" and the random horror movies Netflix has have been favorites.

What are you watching or what are your Netflix picks?

Friday, August 14, 2015

I Am an Introvert

I read an article today about introverts and extroverts and I find that kind of stuff fascinating.

In the article it talks about how usually people assume you're shy if you're an introvert but that's not always true.  Being an introvert/extrovert is about how you 'recharge your battery'.

I've just come home from work not even an hour ago yet and my boyfriend is just talking, and asking questions and just has so much energy (he was off earlier than me today) and I just had to say "please stop".
I had a really busy day and I feel like I used my brain too much and my anxiety feels like it's spinning around in my chest like crazy, I just need like half an hour to be by myself and relax.

Extroverts like to be doing social things, being around groups of people to recharge, I don't quite understand that but I am not an extrovert.

I feed off people's energy when I'm in a group but once I'm home I'm glad it's over and I can rest up.

Funny how we work, isn't it?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

It's the Weekend!

Good Morning!
It's Saturday, yay! Which means only 5 hours of work to go before it's the actual weekend for me :)

I currently have three blog drafts saved, yes three, because for the past few days I have been so bummed and I would come home and write.  It helped, but I didn't want to post them because it's the same things over and over again.
They're about my anxiety and panic attacks and how I don't feel like me lately, how my job is just a job not what I want to do forever.
If you want to read my whines, I'm sure I could post them but I'd rather not.
I'm trying to promote positivity, mostly to myself.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Leave a comment and let me know!

I think I would like to do the following:
1. See a movie with my Dad
2. Work out
3. Exchange something at Sephora (I bought a twist up lipstick that doesn't twist)
4. Go to the Farmer's Market on Sunday
5. Take more pictures
6. Clean my house
7. Bake something/Cook a good dinner
8. Go to Pier1 and see if they put out the rest of their Autumn decor...and  maybe check out HomeSense too
9. Not sit in my chair all weekend and be lazy
10. Edit three videos and upload them!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Need a (positive) Change

Hello Reader,
I have a question for you.
How do you change your life, make it more exciting, just do anything different?

If you've read past posts, you'd know that I suffer from anxiety and it's only getting worse.
I have to go to the grocery store before 10am or else I panic.
I can't order pizza over the phone.
I absolutely hate waiting in line at the bank.
Answering any telephone call makes me nervous and I won't stop shaking for up to twenty minutes after.
I won't apply to any full time jobs at work as the interview process would almost kill me and therefore I'm stuck being a casual with no benefits.
Want to go shopping on my day off? Yeah right, I'll just use my computer for that.
If it's my "scheduled" day off from work I will still wake up all night in a panic and will stay up after 430am because I'm too anxious to go to sleep.

This makes it hard to try anything new, step out of my comfort zone, just spice up my life.
It's terrible and I'm letting it get the better of me.
I never used to be this bad until this year.

Any suggestions on something new I could do or that helps you with being anxious?

...Maybe I should try to order a pizza.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Change

Good morning!
I've been thinking about my blog lately and have decided it needs to change.
I was trying to identify myself as a beauty blogger and it's just not working for me.
For that fun makeup/fashion aspect of my life that I do enjoy so much, youtube works better. For me.

My blog is going to be what it always should have been/used to be 6 years ago, a lifestyle blog.

But I keep questioning myself:

-Who wants to read about a couple who's been dating for 3 years?

-Who wants to read about a girl who works all day to come home and turn on Netflix for 4 hours?

-What about a girl who drinks wine Tuesday nights because she can?

-Works Saturdays, relaxes Sundays and on her random day off during the week is a housewife?

-This girl also has no kids, isn't married, is waiting for her niece to be born, has no friends....the list just goes on and on

-The things this girl does for fun...
drinks wine on Tuesdays?

-But seriously.  Plays badminton with her Boyfriend and his mother, gets drunk Saturday night with Boyfriend's mother....and sometimes her and her Boyfriend will play beer pong against each other...because they can.

Would you read a blog like that?

I hope so, because that's what you're going to get from now on.

As much as I'd loved to have my name out on the internet it's just not common and I don't feel like sharing yet.  So for now, I am still The Quiet Brunette.

Enjoy the rest of your Summer!
And you can check out my youtube channel here, for all things beauty related.
Instagram @thequietbrunette

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 2015 Topbox

Hello All!
How is your Summer going?
Mine has been hot and fairly busy even without any time off from work.

This month's Topbox I received the regular version and I must say I was pretty impressed.
Topbox is Canadian subscription box and I honestly forgot how much it is as I've been subscribed for almost 2 years.
I can't find the price but it's somewhere around $13.00 with shipping.
You can choose between some prive boxes (Bobbi brown, Benefit, etc) and get only one or two products or the regular box where you'll normally get 4.
This was my first regular box in awhile because the prive ones are always so intriguing!

This month I received (from left to right) the Aveda Stress-fix lotion.
If you enjoy lavender scents then you'll enjoy this lotion.
Benefit They're Real Push Up Liner in brown, when I first tried a sample size of the push up liner in another box I hated it, but they've changed the sample so that it actually twists up like the real one and I quite like it so far!
Ofra eyebrow pencil, I've used this the past couple of days and I do like how smoothly it's going on! Now I just need to invest in a pencil sharpener.
Last the Seche Vite top coat for nails. I don't have any opinion on this yet but I was most excited about this out of anything as I'm always looking for a way to get dry nails faster.

If you subscribe to Topbox, what did you receive this month?

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Summer Lovin'

It's been awhile.  Longer than usual.
I don't really have excuses this time, but I have been focusing more on my youtube channel lately which I'm very proud of myself for doing.
I even invested in a new fancy camera as a present to myself.
My boyfriend is being very supportive and will even give me ideas for videos when I'm struggling.
So far, it's a lot of haul videos which are fun but I love videos that are done like a music video so I'm going to work some of that into my channel too.

What have you done so far this Summer?
We've taken a day trip up the island and that was probably one of the best days ever.

I'm looking forward to our trip down the coast at the end of August.
We've never taken a vacation together before so it will be neat to see how we do on a road trip!
Boyfriend has actually never taken any vacation time from work before so it will be nice for him to have a break.

We plan to go to Portland for sure and we hope to make it to Disneyland! I'm still working on the details though.

 These past few weeks have been tough learning that some family, friends and pets all have cancer.  The family has been together a lot and just leaning on one another I guess is the best way to put it.
 It'll get better.

I'll have my first every niece in two months, we're waiting to hear about some other news from one of my brothers and then Boyfriend and I have been discussing marriage a lot lately.
He wants to get married in Disneyland, but I told him our mothers wouldn't be so happy about missing out on the marriage.

Needless to say, there are some exciting times to come and I'm ready to take it on!

Friday, June 19, 2015

It's Here!

It happened!
Sephora was supposed to officially open June 19th (tomorrow) but we happened to go to the mall tonight and there were 6 lovely ladies greeting people at the door.

I'll be honest, I was a tiny bit disappointed that I couldn't find a few things but they do carry Origins (for my moisturizer) and Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz. So I'm safe for my essentials.
Birthdays and Christmas will be easy for Boyfriend.

A haul video should be up on my channel sometime soon unless I decide to do a collective haul at some point instead.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Just A Little Update

Hello Loves,
What's new?

As for me, my anxiety has got the best of me lately which is keeping me from blogging as I don't want to just be blogging about my anxiety issues.

I have been filming quite a few videos, unfortunately it takes hours to publish and upload them so that's been delayed as well.

May was a scorching hot month so we've all been in Summer mode! I need to go shopping for some clothes though, I am a Fall girl so my wardrobe consists of very dark and cozy looking things.

I am attempting to convince my boyfriend that I should be a housewife and just clean and cook for him (anxiety about leaving the house/my job).  He thinks it'd be a good idea, if his wage was doubled.

I finally planned some vacation time through work (unpaid mind you) but I have yet to pick where to go.  I'm thinking Disneyland, but it's not final yet.

I also want a house.

But I don't want to be broke.

Lots of thinking going on lately.

Fill me in on your life :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Anxiety, Anxiety, Anxiety

Here you go, another anxiety post.
It never changes, really.
It's always the same.

Your throat tightens, you feel like you have a bulge there (my most recent one lasted 3 weeks, I was ready to go to the doctor but it went away), your heart races, sometimes you get sweaty or cold, want to throw up, want to cry.

The reasons for my anxiety?
It's every changing.
Lately it's been work.
I always want to do the right thing, order the right test, follow the procedure etc.
Sometimes things don't go as planned.  A lot of the time they don't.
Today I was calling back and forth for almost an hour trying to figure out something I screwed up.
First of all, I hate using the phone.  It is probably my number one anxiety trigger.
At work I can do it because it has to be done, but I hate it.
We seemed to fix the issue that had happened, but here I am at home, four hours after work is done, still thinking about it.
And thinking about something from yesterday too.
It sucks because sometimes you have someone there to ask for help (today I didn't) but then they just agree with you but you want to know what they would do not just to agree with you!

I work in the medical field by the way, I don't know if I've ever mentioned that.

I still have one more day of work, and I probably won't even enjoy my day off on Sunday.  I'll be too anxious.  Something is bound to make me anxious tomorrow, especially because I'll be the senior person working.

I just wish that I knew everything I could possible know about my job or have no anxiety.  Either option would work for me.  Or just early retirement!

I hope everyone has a much better weekend than yours truly!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Things To Be Excited For!

There are quite a few things coming/opening next month and I am getting so excited!!
Plus there are some things that come out this month/have already come out that I am excited for.

First off, last week Mumford and Sons released their third album, "Wilder Mind".  No more banjos, which made me a little sad, but I have found some songs I quite enjoy on it.
"Just Smoke", oh my gosh, when I first heard this my eyes starting watering and I couldn't stop smiling.  I haven't even listened to the words all the way through, this song just makes me happy and reminds me of Summertime.

Sephora opens here next month. Need I say more?

Of Monsters and Men releases a new album June 9th. I've been listening to "Crystals" nonstop, so I can't wait to hear more.

Jenny Han has the sequel to "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" coming out, called "P.S. I Still Love You".
I really enjoyed the first one and I can't wait for a light Summer read.  And that's supposed to be out May 26th!

A couple movies come out this month that I am dying to see.  This Friday, May 15th Pitch Perfect 2 is out.  I am ready to laugh.
Then May 22nd the remake Poltergeist arrives.  They're here.
I have loved this movie since I was a kid.  My Grandma always had us watching odd movies at a young age.  This won't live up to the original but I am anxious to see it!

Another book....actually a few.
Sarah Dessen's "Saint Anything".  I love Sarah Dessen.  Her website is actually what got me started into blogging, about six years ago.  I just love her books.  I could honestly go on and on.

If you read  Emily Schuman's blogs, CupcakesandCashmere then you would now she has a new book out, "Cupcakes and Cashmere At Home".  I love home related and entertaining things, so I pre-ordered this and it came this week!  So excited to delve in.

Along with that pre-order I also ordered Cassey's Ho's book, "Hot Body Year Round: The Pop Pilates Plan to Get Slim, Eat Clean and Live Happy.." 
Cassey Ho is a youtuber but I can't watch a video and workout. I've tried hooking youtube up to the tv and it's just not for me.  I end up writing down the exercises or printing them out (I used to do this for Tone It Up) and going from that. So I was so glad Cassey released a book along with Katrina and Karena from Tone It Up"Tone it Up:28 Days to Fierce, Fit and Fabulous".
I was an avid Tone It Up girl about 4 years ago when I worked out everyday, hardcore.
I'm excited because both these fitness books are about working out at home, which I prefer because I'm cheap, and just using the basics. I have a few weights, a yoga mat, medicine ball etc so this is perfect for me.  Time to get beach body ready!

Last thing I am excited for. . .
June 2nd, Florence and the Machine releases "How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful".
I love Florence.
Hands down the best concert I have ever gone to.
Her voice is so strong, so powerful.
I just remember jumping around in the grass at her concert in Vancouver in 2012.  That was just a great weekend overall.

I am sure I kind find more things to get excited about but I'll stop here for now.

What are upcoming things you exciting for?  Please share in the comments! Happy Friday:)

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Magpie Syndrome

Imagine this...

It's Wednesday night, almost eight o'clock, you're sitting on your favorite chair watching Harry Potter and you just happen to be online window shopping.

50% off make up, what?? Tonight only?
I should definitely buy those things that I've been wanting but have been too cheap to buy.

BUT, you get distracted by summer-y looking things and bronzing oils and you're adding random things to your basket so you can get free shipping and next thing you know you are placing an order. . .

You check and you did not buy that thing you first wanted.

So you head to the website and it says that your order "goes directly to the warehouse so you can not change or cancel your order".

Major face palm here.

And first world problems.

But really? You can't cancel your order? So silly.

Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Dear Anxiety

Dear Anxiety,
Saturday nights are for the following:

1. Sleeping (obvious)

2. Staying up late and relaxing or partying or just having fun

3. Pampering (at home pedicure, face masks etc)

4. Watching movies or your favorite Netflix indulgence (mine currently being 90210)

5. Folding laundry or doing any chores you don't want to do on Sunday

Anxiety, I think you would agree that this is a pretty solid list.
I do not appreciate that I have done almost all of these things except number one.  Trust me, I tried but you decided to wake me up and here I am.

Anxiety, please come again another day. I mean, it's inevitable that you will so why not just let me get a proper sleep tonight?

My anxiety has been so bad this week, I can't even begin to describe that nagging feeling to you this week.  The anxiety attacks I've had in my car, the tears and sickening feeling...
I just need it to go away for a little bit, but it doesn't.  Any tips? 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Skincare Favorites!

New video is up on my channel....finally.
I think I love skincare more than makeup...okay, maybe not but I do have an obsession with finding the best skincare products for my skin and doing the best to ward off wrinkles.
Have a great Friday and an amazing weekend!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Who I Used to Be

Hello Gang!
Happy weekend!
It's Friday night and I am sitting here reading my old blog.

I am having quite the laugh reading it.
I have changed so much and it's funny reading how I used to flirt with a boy (my current boyfriend), who was seventeen at the time and I was twenty one.

You can head on over to that old blog of mine and endure the torture of reading what seems to be a thirteen year old's diary or I can fill you in on who I used to be.

-I used to stay up really late. I mean really late, like four o'clock in the morning.  I now can barely keep my eyes open past 9pm.

-I was boy crazy.

-I was flirty.

-I was so confused.

-I was very much into Twilight.

-I pushed people away like crazy. I wouldn't let anyone into my life.

-I wrote a lot of lists.

-I used a lot of pictures from Tumblr.  I still like those pictures.

-Ughh I was so confused.

-My ideas about the relationship I was in were bogus.

-I can't believe I quit my job because I was upset about my love life.

-I was terrified of being loved and showing love to others

My how the times have changed.

That blog was really just a bunch of rambles, yet people read it.

If you're intrigued by what I've told you head on over to and enjoy!

Happy Sunday! Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Where's the Teen Drama?

While I plan my next post (this one) I am sitting on an uncomfortable, ferry seat, smelling delicious but terrible for you french fries and listening to children scream.
I hope I've planted that image into your head while you read this.

Should this be a haul post? I just did some damage in The City so it could be.
Do I bring up the subject of how I can't find a good drama on television anymore?

I finished "Gilmore Girls", again. I wish I counted how many times I've watched the series (I lost count at 7 back in 2013).

I've moved onto "The O.C." and I am currently on season 4 (the episode where Ryan & Taylor go to the alt-world, hilarious). Also, Boyfriend and I are re-watching "Breaking Bad" at bedtime (forgot how much I love that show).

I have plenty of comedy shows in my life, my favorites right now are "The Mindy Project" and "The Office".  But I'm craving that teen drama I've watched in the past (The O.C., 90210, Gossip Girl etc)

They just don't make them like they used to.

Well, there's a slight fog over the island that is my home.  I estimate 30 more minutes on this vessel. 

And all I've done is complain again.

Have a wonderful Easter!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

I Love Sundays!

Monday is arriving, but we're ignoring that today and enjoying today!
Here's what I've been loving today :)
 1. The best wings I have ever made!  Boyfriend agrees.
 2. The Vanilla Bean Marshmallow candle that is now sold out at our Bath & Body Works thanks to Boyfriend and his Mom buying the rest of them.
 3. A fresh batch of peanut butter and chocolate oat bars for lunches for the week.
 4. My comfy red chair that I live in. Can you tell?
5. The spooky view from our place. I love that fog rolls in at night here.

What are some things you've been loving this Sunday?

Friday, March 27, 2015

Am I the Only Boring One?

Hello everyone!
That was quite the blogging break I had.
I need to work out a system where I can write three blog posts in one day and have them scheduled to come out because life gets busy.

I haven't had much of anything to write lately.
I go to work, come home clean and eat dinner then go to bed rather early.

I'm waiting for June.  June will be more exciting.
Summer begins, three albums I want come out, those being Florence & The Machine, Mumford & Sons and Of Monsters and Men.  A book I would like comes out and Sephora opens.
Pretty exciting, right?

I have no plans to go anywhere in the next couple of months, I've been thinking of vlogging again (which might happen next weekend because it's a long one).

I feel as though I'm not that interesting to watch/read/listen to, but my boyfriend says that there will be at least one person out there that finds what I do interesting or different from what they do, which is probably true but who wants to watch someone clean or put away the dishes?
It'd be more interesting if I had kids or friends I suppose, but I have neither.

Any suggestions on how to be a more interesting blogger/vlogger?

#1, probably stop writing about how boring I am and convince you how exciting I am...

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Another Year Older, Another Year Closer to Being Thirty

Hello All!
I recently had a birthday and thought I would do a little reflection post on the past year.

I've accomplished a fair bit in this past year and I must say that I am proud of myself.
I graduated college with a certificate for a Medical Lab Assistant.
I started my career and have almost been there for a year!
My boyfriend and I finally found a place to call our own and enjoying loving/hating being "real adults" now.

I now have a sister-in-law and found out a month ago that I am going to be an Aunt this year!

I don't think much else happened in this past year, but it's been a pretty great one and I hope this one is just a great!

As for my birthday this year?
Boyfriend made pancakes and we had his parents over in the morning for a little celebration. We then headed to The City for some exploring and shopping.  When we got home I finished icing my cake and then went for dinner with my parents.  In the evening we had everyone over for cake and I finished off the night with a bubble bath!
Pretty awesome way to spend your birthday if you ask me.

Have you recently had a birthday or have one coming up soon?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

New Beauty Buys

Wow, March already.
It's crazy to think in a week I will be twenty seven years old.

So, we're still not quite finished moving in.  The majority is complete, but I still have some things at my parent's house that I've been too lazy to deal with.
We have a chair that should be here in a couple weeks and still have to decide on a couch.

Meanwhile I have been trying out some new things!
I recently bought the Bite Beauty 5 Night Fix for Lips which includes a cherry flavored scrub and their original lip mask.  This has been quite nice on my dry lips, but I'm not sure if I would purchase either again as I've tried alternative that work in the same way.  The Living Proof Instant Texture Mist is another one I decided to try as I've been on the hunt for a texture spray and I don't think this is quite what I was going for.  I purchased the smaller size, unsure if I would like it or not.  I've been wanting the Oribe dry texture spray to try but no where around here sells it and I can't find it online to buy (Canadian shipping).  I hate the spray nozzle on the Living Proof one, but I do get quite a bit of volume from it so that is a huge plus for me.  Maybe one day I'll buy the larger size, unless I find something else that I like. Anna at ViviAnnaDoesMakeup uses the Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 treatment so I bought Living Proof Perfect Hair Day 5 in 1 treatment.  I actually really like this stuff.  I don't use heat on my hair often, so it's in pretty decent shape but this makes my hair better.  I don't know how to explain it.  It's just smooth, shiny, no frizz....just good hair but better.

I recently received The Benefit Cosmetics prive Topbox for my February box.  Topbox is a Canadian subscription beauty box and in my opinion it is the best one out there.  I think with taxes in I pay just over $13.  In that Benefit box I received a sample of the new Roller Lash.  I have a new mascara love.  I usually use my Dior Addict-a-lash, but the Roller Lash has shoved that aside at the moment.  I honestly thought that it was going to be gimmicky, but the separation and length I get with this mascara is unbelievable.  Definitely going to be my next mascara purchase when I run out.
I feel like everyone and their dog have been using Too Faced's Hangover Primer.  I didn't know what to expect when I bought it but I had to try it.  I love the coconut smell and it feels so light yet moisturizing on my face.  I don't know about makeup going on any smoother because I don't use foundation, but it is definitely a good one to use when you haven't had a good night's sleep.
The Peter Thomas Roth Un-wrinkle Peel Pads intrigued me.  I'm all about preventing wrinkles and anti-aging skincare.  I do enjoy these but I'm not sure if they really do anything or if it's my sample of Sunday Riley's Good Genes helping my skin. I think it's the latter.  Will I purchase again? Maybe.  But I would prefer to splurge on Sunday Riley's Good Genes (I'm in love with my small sample and am terrified everyday that it's going to be my last pump.)

The last things I purchased are from FTBbeauty.  I have been in need of a full brush set.  I wanted the Zoeva rose gold ones so bad, but I couldn't justify the price point...okay more like I didn't want to pay the shipping cost.  So I searched for some rose gold or even copper brushes everywhere and came across these ones from BH Cosmetics.  They are so soft and I haven't had any hairs fall out, definitely a good buy!  Next I noticed they also sold Beauty Blenders, I usually buy the Quo version from Shopper's Drug Mart but I haven't been able to find them and mine are starting to look pretty beat.  So, I made the investment in the Beauty Blender Pro (double pack).  The Quo sponges are good, but these are awesome.

Have you tried anything new lately?
Any recommendations?
Enjoy your Sunday!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Somewhere New

Hello Lovelies!
I can't believe it's been ten days since my last post!
So, the week of my last post we had gone to look at a place and at the end of last week we signed the lease, yay!
Move in date was last weekend, so we were quite the busy bees.
I never realized how much make up I've accumulated until I unpacked it all (I hope to do a little post or video on that eventually)

I hope to do a lot more blogging and a video once a week (you're thinking yeah, right. Aren't you?)
These are my hopes!
This is my favorite spot to sit.
In the morning I make a pot of coffee, sit here with my laptop and some candles lit.  And it seems to be my evening spot now too.
 I finally get to use my owl spoon rest! (From The Real Canadian Superstore)
 Glass heart dish from Target Canada and Warm Vanilla Sugar candle from Bath and Body Works.
 Our state of living on Monday.
I've accumulated quite a few mugs and have used a different one everyday.

Have an excellent weekend!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I Am A Terrible Haul-er?

Hello again!
Is anyone else terrible at hauls?
Well, it's not that I'm bad at accumulating things I just don't blog or make a video (which I enjoy doing).  Haul videos are my favorite, so of course I want to do something that I enjoy watching right?

I just can't seem to produce a haul video or even just a blog post without having opening the package before and most times even using some of the products I purchased.

Just terrible.

It's either get the products and haul them right away while I'm still in work hair/makeup mode or it just never gets done.
I'm even worse when my subscription boxes arrive. I post a picture on instagram and that's about all I can manage.

I have a fair amount for a haul video/blog soon, I just need to pick up at package from the post and maybe do another stop at Target.

Have you heard Target Canada is closing?
It's my favorite place to get cosmetics because it's so well lit and just nice to browse through, so needless to say I am sad.
But Sephora is coming to my town soon...not that I need more.

Moving on.

Exciting things coming soon!
And if things pan out this week, I should be able to get more pictures on my blog soon and hopefully using my youtube channel a bit more.

Happy Wednesday! I hope you have a lovely rest of your week!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

Once again I have failed my blog.
Last week I miraculously worked Monday to Friday (which was super exciting for me) so Friday actually felt like Friday and I stayed up until 2am, which means I screwed up my sleep schedule for the whole weekend.

I have a love-hate relationship with three day weekends.
You start off Friday with a high, Saturday is still going pretty good and then Sunday afternoon rolls around and you start to get sad that you only have one day left.

I had the most wonderful weekend.
What did I do, you ask?
Wandered the mall, had breakfast at one of our favorite diners while playing Sudoku, sat outside with Boyfriend while he worked on a vehicle, played my Nintendo 3DS, saw a movie with my Mom lounged in bed until 10....a whole lot of relaxing.

I'll do my best to blog this week as I have a few ideas, but we're currently looking for a place to live so we'll see how caught up in that I get.
Wish me luck!

Have a great week!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Makeup Brush Wish List!

I need some more quality makeup brushes in my life.
I have quite a few RealTechniques brushes and I love them to death.  Then I have an EcoTools brush, I think it's a shadow brush...I actually have no idea.

Anyways, I'm cheap but want quality brushes so I'm going to have to compromise eventually.
 Do you sense a theme here?
I love rose gold and copper.
Sorry for the poor quality picture, but the top left brush is the E35 tapered blending brush from Sigma in copper.  To the right is a rose gold brush set from BH Cosmetics.  Below that is a tapered kabuki brush from Sigma which I'm highly interested in for concealer.  To the left is the rose gold Zoeva face brush set (I'm in love and drool over this daily) I would also like the eye brush set in rose gold, but this is my first choice.  I might buy myself a birthday present...
Lastly is from the new RealTechniques Bold Metals collection (shown is the tapered blush brush).

What are some of your favorite brushes?
Recommendations are welcome!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Hello Lovelies!
I just finished an amazing book, seriously five minutes ago I finished it and decided I needed to blog about it now.

"Positive" a memoir by Paige Rawl with Ali Benjamin.

Paige Rawl is born with HIV and this is her story.
I was so furious while I read parts of this book because while it's not just about HIV, it's also about bullying.  Bullying is one thing that fires me up, I can't stand it.
I can't stand when adults don't listen to kids or brush it off they when tell them they're being bullied. 
Paige's story blows my mind at how ignorant people can be and I amazed with the strength this girl has.  Incredible.

I was bullied off and on growing up, but nothing to this extreme.

I highly recommend this book and if you notice someone being bullied, chat with them, sit with them, do something so they don't feel alone, because it's a terrible feeling.
If you know someone with a disease or anything different about them, take the time to know what is actually going and learning about it.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

I am 26 years, 10 months and 22 days old

Well Gang,
I'm sneaking closer and closer to being 27, soon my birthday will be here and I will be in my late twenties.
I have a thing about age and getting older if you're a new reader.

I'm almost 27 and have yet to live on my own, how terrible is that?
I never went to college and lived in a dorm, never rented a crappy little apartment where I lived off of ramen, never shared a too-small suite with a boyfriend I would fight with all the time. I'm using movie and book characters here.

I just haven't experience any of that and do I regret it sometimes? You bet I do.
Right now I share a bedroom with Boyfriend in his parents house.  While it's nice and we save money, I've been really feeling lately that I need my own space.

My bedroom at my parent's house is cluttered to the max and is a storage unit for all my furniture and appliances.

I talked to my mom the other day about buying a house and she thinks it's a good idea, but am I ready for that commitment and really have no extra money? Goodbye makeup spending hobby...

I remember when I was in elementary school my best friend Kelsey and I would dream about our fantastic grown up lives.  Living in a cool city, having lots of money to do whatever we wanted and lots of friends.  That's not how it is.

I'm 26 years, 10 months and 22 days old and it's time I take action and start doing more.

Can you tell I'm having a pity party while I've been home sick?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Let's Talk About Frank

Meet Frank:
He likes you naked and dirty.

Frank is a coffee body scrub!  Perfect for me as I am a coffee lover.
I find two handfuls of this scrub is a sufficient amount for your entire body.
I use it on my problem areas first, my upper arms (where I tend to get bumps) and my thighs, then I continue on to the rest of my body including my face.

Frank claims to scrub away dry skin and help with cellulite and stretch marks.

I have used this scrub a total of three times now and even my boyfriend has used it.
I think we are both in love with Frank.

I find my skin so soft after, my arm bumps are getting better (but usually any scrub fixes that problem).
I think the fact that this is a coffee scrub had me sold instantly.

I would highly recommend this for anyone looking for a body scrub, it is fantastic.
It does leave some residue in the shower/bathtub after, as I found out later when Boyfriend asked me if I drank my coffee in the shower that morning.

I bought the original 200g Frank for $15.95 (Canadian) for myself and the peppermint version for $16.95 for a gift for my Mom, and then shipping was free.

Check it out:

This is not a sponsored post, Frank was purchased by me out of curiosity and I'm genuinely in love with him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2014 Beauty Favorites!

I've decided that every morning should be like this one.
Getting up early, eating breakfast, drinking many cups of coffee and blogging.

We're only two weeks into January but I feel a bit late on my 2014 Beauty Favorites. And I know I was supposed to blog on Monday but Sunday was busy and yesterday was a strange shift where I didn't get home until almost seven.  Excuses, excuses!

Moving on!
Here are my most loved beauty favorites of 2014.  And there are a lot.

I only recently bought the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Palette back in the early fall, but I have been loving it to bits for the all the holiday parties I've attended.  And I wear the highlight (middle shade) every day to work. 
Oh Maybelline, I do love your concealers the best.  I only tried one new concealer this year because I can't seem to leave my Maybelline Anti-Aging concealer alone.
I splurged on make up this year.

The TooFaced Chocolate Bar Palette, I didn't know you could love an eyeshadow palette this much.  I've been getting into eyeshadow a lot more recently, you know the whole blending thing, and I just love all the neutral colors in this palette!  I've been tempted to get the semi-sweet chocolate one, but that blue color in it is throwing me off.
Next on the far left is a L'oreal Infallible eyeshadow in Coconut shake, I just really like using this as a base or on it's own with winged liner. 

That mysterious black tube that you can't read the label on is the Dior Addict-It Lash mascara, I just got this in December and I've already pushed all my other mascaras aside for this one.  I like a drier formula and this has it and the brush is spiky and perfect for me....ah, love.
Amope, I just received this at Christmas from my parents and it's one of my favorite gifts.  I hate dry, calloused feet.  I am a true Pisces and care about my feet immensely.  So I use this little foot file thing about twice a week and it's like magic.
The Shu-uemera Eyelash curler, where have you been all my life?  This curls your lashes like no other eye lash curler I have ever tried.  It's expensive for what it is, but it lives up to the hype.
L'oreal Lumi Primer, if you like dewy skin this is definitely one for you.  Honestly, I hated this product when I first bought it, it separated and I didn't use it for a few weeks.  But my skin was looking dull and I decided to give it a go.  I gave the product a shake to see if that would help the whole separating thing and it did.  It's not sparkly and it just gives a natural glow under your makeup.

Starting from the top left in this picture are Essie nail polishes in "Recessionista" and "Bahama Mama" , very similar dark burgundy shades and they are my most reached for colors.
Under is the perfume Alien by Thierry Mugley, I just can't...I love my Prada Candy perfume but a new scent that smells divine? Sorry Prada, I won't be reaching for you for awhile.
TooFaced Shadow Insurance, I love this for canceling out the veins on my eyelids and it does pretty well at keeping my eyeshadow in place.
This was the year I decided to fork out the twenty seven dollars for the Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz (in dark brown)..well I actually bought two, one in chocolate as well.  I don't know what I was doing with my brows before these.  I find it's so perfect for natural looking brows. I don't know what I would do without this.
Salon Grafix Play it Big hairspray, I love my L'oreal Elnett hairspray the most, but this Salon Grafix one was on sale and it works, the smell isn't over powering and I find my curls last quite a long time with it.
The Braun Silk7 epilator, I bought this bad boy in the summer after reading a review on a blog.  Let me tell you that this thing kind of hurts the first few times you use it.  If you don't know what an epilator is it's basically a bunch of tweezers spinning around really fast pulling out your body hair.  I refuse to use this on my legs anymore as I received tons of ingrown hairs from in, but this works amazing on the under arm area.  I use it 2-3 times a week and I find I don't get that ugly dark shadow under my arms anymore that I was so subconscious about.
Last but not least, I had to add a candle because I am a candle hoarder. 
Bath and Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar, I've always loved this one but this past year my anxiety was so bad and this was the best candle to relax me.  I'm always stocked up on this one.

A few extra favorites that aren't pictured are:
Maybelline Baby Lips, I can always rely on this to keep my lips moisturized while I'm at work.
Lush Magnaminty Face Mask, this makes my skin so soft and has pushed all my other face masks aside.
For a good eye makeup remover I keep going back to the Neutrogena Oil Free Makeup Remover.
And lastly, a blush.  Benefit's Rockateur, I'm scared I'm going to hit pan on this soon!

What were your favorites of 2014? Have any new favorites for 2015 yet?

Have a great week!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My Health & Fitness Journey

Once upon a time I used to be a health and fitness freak.
Once upon a time was almost 3 years ago now.

I would really like to get back to my old ways of being healthy and fit, just feeling comfortable in my own skin.
I used to restrict myself with what I ate.  I never restricted my calories, but I did aim for 1500-2000/day.  But there are things I wouldn't touch like ice-cream or milk (mostly because it causes me severe bloating due to the whole lactose thing), I only ate chocolate if it was dark and even that was rare.  It was also when I decided to take my coffee black (one of the best decisions I ever made)

First, a back story.
The Summer of 2006 I gained over 10lbs.  I knew I ate bad on vacation that year, I just didn't think I ate that much.
I became depressed, didn't have a job and slept past noon everyday.
2008 I had constant panic attacks and didn't know why.
A trip to the doctor and a blood test declared I had Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, a precursor to the Hypothyroidism I was diagnosed with in 2009.
Hypothyroidism explained the depression, the weight gain and the fatigue I was feeling.
I was given a medication that I now take for the rest of my life to balance my thyroid.

It took up to three months to notice the results of the medication and was I ever happy.  I had motivation, I lost the weight, I had energy!

December 2010- Stress was high in our household when my Dad broke his leg.  I was working 6 days a week and not taking care of myself.
I survived off of bananas, Coke Zero and Pixi Stix.
I became the most thin I had been in a long time.  I knew something was wrong with me.  I liked the feeling of thin but I didn't like how I had gotten there.

The new year began and I was ready to be healthy.  I quit eating fast food/eating out all together.  I gave up soda.  I ate tons of fish and chicken, vegetables, fruit.  Breakfast was my biggest meals and all my meals were planned out.  I ate 6 times a day and was drinking lots of water.  I worked my way up to working out 5 days a week.  I also used the MyFitnessPal app to keep track of everything, and that was definitely one of the biggest things in keeping my routine.
This went on for a full year.
I felt so amazing and was so happy in my body.  I want that feeling again.
After a good run in 2012.
January 2012- I went off birth control as it was driving my hormones crazy.  By June I was feeling fantastic! I was healthy, fit, off those dumb (so I thought) pills.  I had never been so confident.  I started teaching myself yoga and was just on top of the world.
Feeling so good in a dress to go out dancing!
Fun fact: this is the night I ran into my current boyfriend.
I guess around September 2012 is when I started slacking more and more on my routine.
November, it was gone completely.

May 2014- I had a wrist injury and really couldn't work out.
It wasn't until August that I could do anything.  I entered into a physio program where I went for 4 hours a day to gym. I was fit again!  But after that ended in October I went back to my old ways.

The only routine thing about my diet now is breakfast, and even then I slack on weekends.
I don't even work out now.
I'm tired all the time, but I blame that on working a sporadic schedule.

It's a new year and everyone wants to start out on a diet, going to the gym or trying some kind of fad thing.

I just want healthy and happy me back.

First off, no more junk food.
Secondly I will start with the yoga again and slowly work my way back to the weights.

This is going to be a tough journey, but I know I can do it as I've done it before.

Do you have any health and fitness goals?

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Few Favorites

Good morning Lovelies!
I had intended for today's post to be my past to present (none) health and fitness journey, but the post ended up being way too long and I also felt like I went way out of my comfort zone.  So it will end up being a two maybe three part post, soon.

For today I will share some recent favorites with you!
This is not a beauty favorites today, but you can expect one of those soon. 
Today are some book and movie favorites.  If you can't find me scouring stores for new beauty products to try or reading blogs, you can find me curled up with a book or laying in bed watching a movie.

First off "Alice in Zombieland" by Gena Showalter.
Surprisingly Boyfriend was the one who got me into this series.  Christmas 2013 he bought me the first book and I was impressed.  An ass-kicking zombie slayer chick surrounded by hot boys? I'm in! But it's not all zombies throughout the trilogy. There is heart ache, love triangles and don't forget the bad guys (not just the zombies).  I'm on the last book now and I just can't put it down.

Another read I enjoyed last year was more light hearted.  "A Little Something Different" by Sandy HallA love story with different points of view, including a squirrel.  How could I not read it?  Definitely enjoyable and something to make you laugh when you're having a bad day.

I can only think of two movies I watched last year.  One being the fan favorite "Catching Fire" and I guess the other would be a fan favorite too, "The Lego Movie".
Total opposites.  I enjoyed "Catching Fire" much more than "The Hunger Games". I've read the books but the first movie just felt a lot slower and while still interesting, the second movie just did it for me. 

"Everything is awesome!"  Boyfriend and I just can't stop singing this song.  It makes us smile and the movie is just hilarious.  We're both Lego lovers (played with it today actually)  yet we had both never seen this movie until just a few days ago.
We've watched it twice.

I have 5 more books to read and quite a few movies I'd like to see, so expect another one of these at some point!

Enjoy your Monday, see ya on Hump Day!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015- The Year of Moving Out

It's 2015!
I have to admit to you that we fell asleep at eleven last night. We woke up at eleven thirty, so just in time.
Today is the day I make a few goals for the year, some of them are silly but they are my goals.

1. Stop going out for coffee so much; make coffee at home. (Money saver)

2. Spend less on makeup (yeah, right)

3. Blog more.  This is a big one for me and one that I really want to work at.  I would like to post more videos to my youtube channel as well, but blogging is my main goal.  I'm going to post every Monday and Wednesday and work up to a third day, or just change the schedule all together.

4. Make a girlfriend.  I have no girlfriends in town.  The one I talk to the most lives in Wisconsin. I'm in B.C. 

5. Move into a space of our own.  Boyfriend and I will have been together for two and a half years come February.  We talked about moving out together at the end of 2012 (when we first started dating), but that was kind of soon. I've lived with him at his parent's house since the end of 2012.  We looked on craigslist all last year for a place to live and just nothing popped out at us.  We've decided this is the year. This bedroom is getting too small for us.  We'd like to buy a house, but houses are expensive.

6. The most difficult goal? Be neater.  I am a messy person.  Always have been.  My room as a child was rarely clean, as an adult it got better....but now it's just a disaster.  My room at my parent's house hold all my appliances, my bed, furniture etc.  It's quite disgusting to walk into.   I am also terrible for leaving dirty dishes around.  My breakfast dishes will sit for days, piling up.  I like to think that when we move out this will get better.
We can only hope...

7. Start eating healthy again.  This is a whole blog post on it's own.
I was a health nut from 2010 to 2012.  I was so restricted on how I would eat (zero chocolate/icecream/cookies)  but I would eat lots. I was strict on my exercise (the time I would do it and for how long).  If only I could go back to that...I was so happy.
2014 was the year of unhealthy eating for me.  While I don't partake in fast food eating (Tim Horton's rarely, Opa once a month and pizza now and then...) I ate out a lot.  We love our sushi and wings.  I also found myself skipping out on dinner quite a lot.  I hate sleeping on a heavy stomach.  I'm weird.  I like big breakfasts, light filling lunches, and healthy dinners (with the occasional roast beef on Sundays) and I'm not a big meat person. 
Anyways! Number 7, start meal planning.  Breakfasts are easy, I eat the same thing every day.
I like salads for lunches.  The past month I would buy a (really good) pre-made salad for every day of the week.  That adds up.  So this morning I went out and bought lettuce, chicken, dressing and I have cheese at home (I like cheese on salad) and I will make salads for the next few days so I can just grab and go.  At least that's the plan.
[expect a whole post about my diet and exercise (past and present) soon because this was fun.]

Those are the goals for this year.
I think that some of them are realistic, the coffee, make up and girlfriend ones? Not so much.

What are your goals for the year or even just the month of January?